Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#589 (7/24) "Putting the Royal Child in Perspective..;" Warning Of An Anti-Baby Court Nominee

REMINDER: Check out this week's "Truth That Transforms  broadcast  at This week's broadcast is about how God's institution of marriage has been under assault and is esp. so by homosexual activists. What is amazzing is that this message was delivered 10 years ago! Also presented is a special feature on the value of fathers to society and the increasing tragedy of fatherlessness. Don’t miss it


ATTENTION: TODAY is the 14th day of the 30 days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (see link below for resource material you can download.) Please join me in focusing your prayers EVERY DAY for these over one billion people who need to hear the gospel of Jesus.[NOTE: 1) You can download a  page of helpful basic information about Islam and Ramadan at: ; and 2) The following is from a 30-day prayer guide you can download at: (The following is from that prayer guide.)
July 24 – 16th Day of Ramadan - JESUS (Mali) “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) Mali, a secular state, has traditionally offered relative freedom for Christians. Then, in April 2012, the independent Islamic state of Azawad was established in the north. Most Christians fled before Islamists took over and destroyed churches; in an attempt to eradicate all traces of Christianity. For the few believers who remain, pray that their life in Jesus will be a witness during Ramadan, drawing unbelievers to Him, and saving them from the darkness of Islam.

"Angry Islamists Turn Wrath on Egypt's Christians,"  By George Thomas, CBN News Sr. Reporter  Friday, July 12, 201 - "Egyptian Christians are facing growing retaliation by angry Islamists for opposing ousted President Moham3med Morsi. His supporters say Christian leaders were behind his removal from office....On Thursday, the body of a Christian merchant was found decapitated in a cemetery. Last Saturday, a Coptic Christian priest was shot by gunmen in an outdoor market. Also, days after the military coup that removed Morsi from office, Muslim extremists in southern Egypt burned dozens of Christian homes and stabbed four believers to death. "It's part of the Brotherhood's mobilization that they are targeting Christians, that they are renouncing them as behind this. If the Brotherhood is able to portray what happened as a Christian-dominated or Christian-driven protest, then they get to gain massive support in the streets," Tadros explained.PRAY for the nation of Egypt, as it faces a crucial  moment, 1) that the recent events would result in its becoming a true democracy and NOT an Islamic state; 2)  that the peoples' freedoms, in particular the religious freedom of its minorities (specifically its oppressed Christians) would be protected; 3) for peace and stability to return; 4) that the U.S. will effectively reach out to the new government, and 3) for safety for Americans living in Egypt  

American Pastor Saeed Held Prisoner in Iran - June 5th Update - "Saeed's Wife Uses UN Speech to 'Plant Gospel'," by George Thomas, CBN News Sr. Reporter, June 05, 2013,"Prayers from Prison: American Pastor Held in Iran Releases Letter," May 22, 2013;"...Abedini has been held at the brutal prison for 238 days, enduring long stints in solitary confinement, and, according to his supporters, beatings and torture at the hands of his jailers and fellow inmates. For months, he has been suffering from serious injuries, including internal bleeding from beatings with no proper medical attention, according to his family and attorneys."(Sources: Fox News, Assemblies of God website) Please PRAY:1) For the imprisoned Pastor Abedini, and for those Iranians who tend to his needs in prison to treat him more humanely. 2) For his family in Boise, Idaho. and their efforts to involve the U.S. State Department in securing Pastor Abedini’s release. And 3) For the impact of his witness upon believers and non-believers, in America and across the world. And if you have not yet, join the over 600,000 worldwide who have signed the petition asking for his release at


"Putting the Royal Child in Perspective: Every Baby is Royal in God’s Eyes,"-  by Steven Ertelt | London| | 7/22/13;· [Join me in praying that ALL the members of the royal family of Great Britain (and all the British people as well) will come to understand the gospel of Jesus and place their faith in Him.]

While the world [awaited]  the birth of Kate Middleton’s royal child, pro-life advocates have sent out tweets and comments today putting the heralded birth into perspective. Bryan Kemper, the head of the pro-life youth organization Stand True, summed it up best.
“Every baby is royal in God’s eyes,” he said.If only the world would be so excited for the single mom with no job living in a shack in the ghetto who is in labor right now,” he explained. “If only the world was so worried about the drug addict prostitute who is in labor with a baby who will be born addicted to crack. No, most of the world would say those kids should have been aborted (murdered) months ago.”
“What if Kate would have decided to kill her baby, I wonder how the world would react?” he asked. “I just wish we would welcome EVERY baby with this much joy, love and care and understand they are all royal in God’s eyes.”
"Obama Judicial Pick Cornelia Pillard: Abortion Needed to “Free Women From Maternity - by Tony Perkins | Washington, DC | | 7/22/13  [PRAY that this all judicial nominees will get careful scrutiny before they are considered for approval; may all those who are anti-life as this nominee be soundly rejected.]

A lot can happen between now and Congress’s August recess — and that’s exactly what conservatives should be concerned about. Senate Democrats seem to be banking on the fact that Americans are on vacation and not paying attention, because liberal leaders are trying to slip in a quiet confirmation hearing for Cornelia “Nina” Pillard. A Georgetown law professor, Pillard is the President’s latest nominee to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals — and only the second one since President George W. Bush to wait less than two months for a hearing.

Why the rush? Ed Whalen of NRO’s Bench Memos suspects that Pillard (who’s been described to him as “less moderate” than the most activist liberal in appellate court history) wouldn’t survive intense scrutiny. The hurry, Whalen warns, “seems designed to prevent a careful review of their records. Obama himself has taken forever to make nominations to the D.C. Circuit, and that court remains underworked, so it is difficult to see the justification for the sudden rush.”

Unfortunately for Americans, the Senate won’t have to dig too deep to uncover some of Pillard’s shockers. Among some of her greatest hits, the former Deputy Assistant Attorney General argues that abortion is necessary to help “free women from historically routine conscription into maternity.” As if her militant feminism wasn’t apparent enough, she takes the opportunity in some of her writings to slam anyone who opposes the abortion-contraception mandate as “reinforce[ing] broader patterns of discrimination against women as a class of presumptive breeders.”

A mother of two, Nina wrote a 2011 paper, “Against the New Maternalism,” which argues that by celebrating motherhood, society is creating a “self-fulfilling cycle of discrimination.” Those ideas bleed into Pillard’s extreme pro-abortion views, which suggest that technology is somehow manipulating Americans to consider the personhood of the unborn. In one of her most jaw-dropping statements, the President’s nominee even criticizes the ultrasound. She believes it manufactures “deceptive images of fetus-as-autonomous-being that the anti-choice movement has popularized since the advent of amniocentesis.”

As crazy and outrageous as her other comments are, this one is a denial of basic biology! She actually rejects modern science on human development because it conflicts with her hard-core ideology. If that doesn’t disqualify someone from the second most prestigious court in America, I’m not sure what does. Except maybe this: Pillard is so fiercely opposed to abstinence education that she has said publicly she would declare it unconstitutional. In “Our Other Reproductive Choices,” Nina argues that abstinence-only curriculum is “permeated with stereotyped messages and sex-based double standards” which, in her mind, makes it “vulnerable to an equal protection challenge.”

“Egalitarian sex education… should reaffirm the value of sexual pleasure for females as well as males.” She argues that too many Christian conservatives see “men’s sex drive and sexual satisfaction [as] privileged, while women’s is demonized or ignored.” That just proves how little Pillard knows about the people she’s criticizing. FRC, ironically, just made quite a few headlines talking about sexual satisfaction — and how it’s greater for both men and women when enjoyed in the confines of a lifelong, monogamous, man-woman marriage.

America can’t afford to give a lifetime appointment to a radical ideologue! Contact your senators and urge them to vote no on Nina Pillard.

 [bold emphasis mine]

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