Wednesday, February 4, 2015

# 1134 (2/4) "Why ISIS Burned Jordanian Pilot Alive"/Enough With the "Don't Worry Be Happy' Strategy

"Why ISIS Burned Jordanian Pilot Alive" - Kelsey Harkness/ @kelseyjharkness / February 03, 2015 / [NOTE:  As I have asked the past 5 weeks, let's hope that the pilot (probably Muslim) somehow receiveed dreams and visions from God lead him to turn from Islam and to Christ before he was killed. Let' be praying for his family and friends during this time of grief, that God would use this tragedy to cause many to question Islam and consider the gospel.]

ISIS terrorists today released a video that appears to show a captive Jordanian pilot being burned alive while standing inside a cage.

The pilot, 1st Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh, was captured when his F-16 plane crashed during a bombing mission against ISIS in Syria on Dec. 24. The video is 22-minutes long and highly produced, leading experts to believe the pilot was actually killed earlier this year.
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James Phillips, senior research fellow in Middle Eastern affairs at The Heritage Foundation, says that ISIS may have decided to inflict “an even more gruesome death” Kasasbeh because he had been fighting the terrorist organization, unlike the other hostages who were executed by ISIS.

“Burning him alive also would be something new that would attract more media coverage, which is the goal of many terrorist attacks,” says Phillips.

The horrific act has reportedly prompted Jordan to threaten the execution of an unknown number of ISIS prisoners they are holding captive.Phillips interprets Jordan’s threat of retribution is “a means of exacting vengeance,” which is an important part of Arab tribal culture. He says:"Kasasbeh was a member of an important tribe and the Jordanian government may gain support from other members of the tribe by taking vengeance in his name. If they follow through on the threat, it may also deter ISIS from executing Jordanian hostages in the future."

The video shows a man standing in a cage wearing an orange jumpsuit that is doused in fuel. A line of gasoline leads to the cage, which is then ignited by what appears to be an ISIS terrorist, causing the man to burst into flames.
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Phillips says ISIS documents its brutal tactics and spreads them using social media “to demoralize enemies of ISIS and humiliate the Jordanian government,” and to incite “fanaticism and galvanizing action by ISIS supporters.”... ["What ISIS Is Trying to Achieve With Its Slick Videos" -]

[bold and italics emphasis mine] Kelsey Harkness is a news producer at The Daily Signal. Send an email to Kelsey.

"Obama’s ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ Not a Strategy Against Terrorism"Helle Dale/ @Helledale / February 03, 2015 /

... As this reticence to use labels does not impede the Obama administration on domestic issues or immigration, it is particularly notable that the words like “Jihad” and “Islamic extremism” have been banned from the administration’s strategic documents. What the Obama administration desperately needs is much more forceful public diplomacy messaging from the president and his spokesmen, in order to rally support from Americans, from U.S. allies, and from peace-loving Muslims both here at home and abroad in the long struggle to defeat the terrorists. The messaging should include:

* The strongest outrage and condemnation of the depraved and inhuman actions of the terrorists.
* Statements and material support for their many victims.
* A spirited defense of human rights and democratic values, as embodied in American and by extension western culture, and the incalculable benefits they offer individuals.
* An offer of dialogue with Muslim leaders to deal with Islamism and the radicalization of Muslim youth.

If President Reagan could stand up in Berlin during the Cold War, at Check Point Charlie, and demand of the Soviet leadership, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Obama today should be able to muster more outrage at the injustices happening on his own watch.

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

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