Friday, August 7, 2009

#31 – My Letter to My Democratic Congresswoman

[Note: The following is a letter I sent by email to the Congreswoman representing me. I share it as an example of what so many are not expressing to their representatives all across the country. I encourage you to click on the web connections (always) on the right side of this blog and share your thoughts with your Congressional representative. Remember: They work for us. We owe it to them to let them know when they are doing a bad job of doing so. P.S. - I will be sending similar comments on to my U.S. Senators. Also, be sure to check the political cartoons (and other articles) at]

"Dear Congresswoman Kosmas,.
Thank you for your reply but I do have some questions:
1. If the Congress' efforts are supposed to create more jobs, why are we seeing a net increase in unemployment?
2. Of the jobs created, how much did each job cost in terms of the trillion dollars plus that has been spent to "stimulate the economy" and that has placed our nation in debt that future generations will be paying indefinitely?
3. In what specific ways has Congress' efforts made our economy more "competitive?" Who are we out competing as a result?
4. Of course we need health care reform. But the reform needed is not a "crisis" as the President keeps referring to it if as many as 80% of Americans are satisfied with it, especially compared to what the rest of the world is experiencing, particularly in Europe? I've never heard of Americans going to any other country to get better health care but people everywhere are coming to the United States. The reforms needed are specific changes in the system, not a full-scale overhaul that involves the government running the system. It's interesting that just at this time the US Postal Service says it’s near so much debt it may need to decrease its services. Is that what we can look forward to when the government also gets involved in our nation's healthcare?
5. How can you expand health care to so many more Americans BEFORE you increase the number of health care workers, which has been dangerously shrinking for years? Please be honest, there is just no way to do that without either raising the taxes of all Americans or rationing further what health care already has to be rationed?
6. The kind of changes your Party is promoting are so drastic it takes 1,000 pages to explain. If you all don't have time to read all the details, how do you expect the American people to sign off on it?
Yes we need healthcare reform, but we need it to be done right even if it takes awhile. Certainly there is no need to push for such changes as you all are proposing so quickly unless this is the only way YOU ALL can get your way before we decide we need new leadership next fall.

No, I'm not part of any right-wing conspiracy but just part of a growing number of Americans who are alarmed at the direction your party is taking this country. We want things to be done right because WE are the ones who will be paying for mistakes done AS WELL AS the generations to come who will be left with the costs of all that is being proposed.

Congresswoman, your oath is to uphold the US Constitution, which nowhere gives the government permission to be our healthcare provider (let alone run car companies and banks). I would also ask that you add to that oath a promise to do what doctors pledge to do, which is to DO NO HARM (to the American people, those living now and the generations to come).

Sincerely yours,
Stan M. Yonashiro

Dear friend, make no mistake. What you are hearing about the reaction the President and his Party's representatives are receiving are from Americans like myself who are increasingly aware of where the Democratic policies put in place in just the short time of this administration are taking this country. And they are very upset. You might be thinking that public policy issues in our country should not be of concern to Christians. We should only have our focus on winning others to Christ. This is what I was implicitly led to believe about abortion the first 14 years I was a believer until the film "The Silent Scream" woke me to the unspeakable horror of knowing that taking the life of unborn children was codified in American law. I suddenly realized that this was not a Catholic issue but a human rights issue and not something that modern day Good Samaritans could just close their eyes to. In a similar way, this country was formed by people who staked "their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor" and which is every day being defended by men and women who deserve to return home to a country that was worth their risking their lives for. To sit by and watch our country be steered into what are clearly wrong directions - not just on public policy issues but on moral issues such as the sanctity of human life and the definition of our institution of marriage - is not standing watch at our post on the home front and being found AWOL to our civic responsibilities. I for one refuse to forfeit this great country that I love to those who would transform it into anything but a nation under God. Our country has already strayed too much from those values that once made us great and as Christians we have a responsibility before God to be faithful of the stewardship of this great land that has been entrusted to us.

Of course, I believe in the primacy of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in God's calling on each of our lives as Christians. But besides being the "light" of Christ to the world, we are also called to be "the salt of the earth." (Matthew 5:13-16). We cannot be so focused on helping people enter the Kingdom, to be about things of Heaven, that we are derelict in our responsibility to be as well as to stand for and help to preserve those things that are good and right in our society.

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