Sunday, July 22, 2012

#270 (7/22) - Sunday Special - "Freedom’s Holy Light"

[FYI - My GENday is Sept.19th. What is YOURS?]

[NOTE: As always, please be sure to watch this week's broadcast of "Truth That Tranforms" (Orlando, 5 pm, ch. 55.1) or check it out at This week's program is the 2 part of a video presentation entitled, Attack on Freedom." This gripping TV special powerfully illustrates the chilling way Christianity is being systematically driven out of public life in America. Don't miss seeing it! - Stan]

[NOTE: As we consider the senseless massacre this past Friday in Colorado, and as we see the dangerous direction of our country (and the world), it’s natural to feel the sense of hopelessness and fear of the future we felt after 9/11 almost 11 years ago. AND YET AMERICA ENDURES. I trust you know that I present the information I do on my blog not to frustrate people but to instead cause us to take seriously what is going on and not be indifferent about things happening in our country as so many believers tend to be. Also, remember that we as believers are never without hope because we have a sovereign God who nevertheless calls us to bewatchful and prayerful. Those were Jesus' words to His disciples as He was about to agonize in the garden of Gethsemane before going to the cross (Mat.26:41). Even in the darkness of the cross, the Son of God felt abandoned by His Heavenly Father but God was still working in the darkness. He was then, and so He is today. (I came across that thought in a book I just finished and highly recommend entitled “Shattered Dreams ” by Larry Crabb.) – Stan]
- by Dr. D. James Kennedy, posted July 1, 2012 by Truth In Action Ministries,

Marx and Lenin promised to give the world a “new man.” He was to be noble and selfless — concerned for the well-being of others. He was to tower above the rest of puny mankind.

Well, they gave the world a new man. But that new man, created by years of atheism and repression, turned out to be a monster who systematically had cut out of his being his heart and his conscience, all sense of morals and ethics, and has been reduced to nothing more than a tiger in the jungle. He had no compassion or compunction — and was capable of doing to other human beings things that you could not even dream of in your worst nightmares.

You see, what Marx and Lenin forgot is that only the Spirit of God can make people better. It is only where the Spirit of the Lord is that there is liberty and the power to exercise that liberty for the good of others.

Unfortunately, America as a nation has forgotten that truth. So much so that over the past several decades even our own Supreme Court has taken from our young people the Bible, prayer, the Ten Commandments, and even — the Creator! And we wonder why there is the dramatic rise in crime and every sort of evil in our country.

They have forgotten what Ben Franklin said: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have need of masters.” Only where the Spirit of the Lord is can there be true liberty. Freedom can exist only where men and women in whom there dwells the Spirit of Christ, which produces godliness and morality.

James Madison,called the Father of our Constitution, said: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.

And yet our Supreme Court ruled that these same Ten Commandments could not be posted on the walls of our schoolrooms in Kentucky, and thus for all other states as well, because: “If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments.” (Justice John Paul Stevens, Stone v. Graham, November 17, 1980.) [Remember: just because they wear black robes, doesn't mean they are smart. Sometimes, they can truly reason as idiiots. - Stan]

Malcolm Muggeridge, an incisive critic and columnist in England, very precisely put his finger on the problem. He said: "Since the beginning of the Second World War, Western Society has experienced a complete abandonment of its sense of good and evil. The true crisis of our time has nothing to do with monetary troubles, unemployment, or nuclear weapons. The true crisis has to do with the fact that western man has lost his way."

Good and evil provide the theme of the drama of our moral existence, and when we lose sight of that, and when we call evil good and good evil, destruction is not far hence. We need to take our stand — to rise up. We need to shake off the lethargy that exists in the Church as well as the nation.

Now, the wheels of God grind very slowly, and sometimes people suppose that because they move so slowly that God will not deal with sin. That, too, is a very grievous error. God will deal with sin. Even though he may repeatedly be merciful and gracious to us, there comes a time when His patience is expended, and there is nothing left but destruction. The hour is late; the day is fast spent. Awake thou that sleepest and Christ will give you light—the Holy Light of Liberty, and giving it to us, He may give it and continue it in our land.

[bold and italics emhasis mine]

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