NOTE: TODAY marks 39 days before the 40th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision that spearheaded the legalizaion of the abortion of the unborn in America. I feel led to begin a 40 day period of prayer and (limited) fasting to honor the memory of the almost 60 million ! unborn that have been murdered and the 10s of millions of their mothers, fathers, and siblings who have been victimized by this great American Holocaust. I will share more in a later post(s), for now, may I ask you to
PLEASE PRAY: 1. For the girls/women each day contemplating an abortion; the abortionists and their staff; the crisis pregnancy centers seeking to serve the women facing unplanned pregnancies.
2, For the passage of even more state laws that will effectively help to limit the number of abortions being performed.
3. The defunding of Planned Parenthood that performs over 300,000 abortions (about 1/3 the toal) for profit and still receives almost 1/2 billion dollars in federal tax dollars.
4. That one day America might finally pass a constitutional amendment promoting the Sanctity of Every Human Life - in effect oulawing both abortion and euthanasia.
5. For churches/Christians being pro-life- not just claiming to be but demonstrating it conclusively by their actiions.
AS I SEE IT: I mourn with the nation at the murder of 20 children and 6 adults yesterday in Connecticut. In the news coverage, it was often repeated at the innocence of the children, with the President remarking of how they had had their whole lives ahead of them. It struck everyone how the President seemed to tear up in addressing the nation, apparently thinking of the tragedy in terms of his own 2 daughters. (I was struck in speaking with a good friend about another matter how he (with 2 daughters in grade school himself) asked if we could pray before we ended the phone conversation.) It's not hard to understand how parents would be moved especially to think of their own children at times like these. AND YET, as in past such tragedies, I am struck by how no one seems to see it in the context of the on-going almost 40 year American Holocaust of abortion. Because it's legal (though without question immoral), somehow the fact that over 4,000 (200 TIMES! the number killed yesterday) of our MOST innocent are DAILY often having their bodies pullled apart in their mother's womb before the piecees are removed by their paid hit-man, the abortionist. WHERE IS THE GRIEF AND OUTRAGE CONCERNING THE DAILY SLAUGHTE OF OUR MOST INNOCENT? (It does strike me as rather hypocritical that our most pro-abortion President can shed a tear for the children murdered yesterday.)
"10 Things Americans Spend More on Than Elections, by Lachlan Markay," December 7, 2012 [Take particular note of my comments about each of the 10 things below. (; ]
(Note: The tallies below are annual expenditures. If an election cycle is measured as a two-year time frame, a two-year comparison would actually double the totals below.)
1. Video games – $9.3 billion [I've only played a video game several times in my life. Maybe I'm just old, but I rather get addicted to reading good books (and to be sure there is more out there than we'll ever have time to read).
2. Pet food – $19.5 billion [Okay, as a devoted cat lover, now we're getting personal. (:]
3. Cosmetics – $33.3 billion [Never have, never will understand how so much of such things are 'over the top.']
4. Movie theater admissions – $10.4 billion [With the size and resolution of most television sets today, and the easy access to movies on DVD if you're willing to be patient and wait, is it really necessary to pay out the ridiculously increasing prices for tickets - not to mention what they charge for you to snack while watching a movie?]
5. Halloween – $8 billion [Just an occasion to dress up in costumes, kids to threaten neighbors for free candy ("tick or treat:"), or a time that will always be associated with horror and evil? How about just celebrating it as it was for centuries- the Christian All Saints Eve?]
6. Pizza – $27 billion [It doesn't matter how much veggies you put on it, it will never be a healthy food, though it is admittedly a convenient comfort food.]
7. Bottled water – $21.7 billion [Better than tap - really? It's best use is to have it around after a natural disaster.]
8. Lottery tickets – $59 billion [Merely a voluntary tax that leads many - esp. the needy - to become gambling addicts; also just feeding the idea of getting something for 'nothing.']
9. Tax preparation – $140 billion [One of the best reasons for the need for major revision of our out of control federal tax code. Like tobacco famers, we surely can find jobs for the tax preparers will be put out of work.]
10. Coffee – $11 billion [Alright, we're getting personal again. Didn't you hear about how it can prevent cancer? - honest, it was on the evening news the other night.]
[bold emphasis, and bracketed comments, as always, mine]
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