Same -Sex "Marriage"- PLEASE PRAY WITH ME (every day untill the decision is revealed around mid-June) THAT THE SUPREME COURT WILL VOTE TO UPHOLD THE 2 LAWS REVIEWED SUPPORTING A TRADITIONAL DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.. PRAY that the Court will resist any pressure to MAKE new law based on "cultural trends." PRAY as though the very future of the institution of the family is at stake because it is. PRAY! - for the sake of possibly millions of such children, and for our country if it is to continue to be shown any more favor by our Heavenly Father, who I promise you will be very displeased if homosexual marriage is legalized; "GOD IS NOT [TO BE] MOCKED..." - (Gal. 6:7) - Stan [Be sure to check out my brief essay at post #478.]
CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR PASTOR SAEED (Iranian-born AMERICAN pastor who just started an 8 year sentence for helping the underground churches in Iran) [See 3/25 update below!] If you have not already, please join over 500,000 (was recently250,000) who have signed the petition for Pastor Saeed's release and tell your friends about it. http://aclj.org/iran/save-american-pastor-from-iranian-prison-sentence
As the Lord leads, please pray: *For Pastor Abedini as he endures one of Iran’s most deadly prisons, potentially beaten and abused regularly, simply because of his Christian faith. *For the pastor’s wife and family and the Holy Spirit’s comfort upon them. * For God to visit his tormenters and all in his cell with him with supernatural dreams of the risen Christ, and use the pastor's actions and words to draw them to repent and turn to Christ; that God would use the pastor's time in that prison to spark a genuine spiritual revival that will bring scores of Iranians to Christ..*For the U.S. State Department to get involved in a significant way to obtain the pastor’s release.
April 9 - 1) It's been reported that even though Pastor Saeed has developed internal bleeding from months of beating by prison guards, he has been denied medical attention. (http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2013/April/Iran-Denies-Pastor-Saeed-Medical-Treatment/) PRAY that Pastor Saeed might finally receive the medical treatment he needs. 2) More than 550,000 people from 180 countries have signed the petition to Save Saeed. Your voice has moved the U.S., the European Union, and many others to call for his release. But as Pastor Saeed's May 7th 33rd birthday approaches, it's time to encourage him directly. At the ACLJ, they've obtained the address of Evin Prison, and their goal is to flood the prison with thousands of messages of encouragement for Pastor Saeed. Just write a letter (or simply sign your name to one proposed greeting) and they will be sure that its delivered. These messages will let Pastor Saeed know that we're praying for him and his release, as well as send a signal to the Iranian leaders that Americans will not give up standing up for him. Go to Save Saeed.org and add your name to those sending letters to him.
"5 Things to Know About the Obama Budget," By Amy Payne, April 11, 2013 [NOTE: The article below is followed by a link that explains how - not surprisingly - our most pro-abortion President ever wants to cut the abstinence funds in our federal budget.]
President Obama finally released his budget yesterday—more than two months late.
Five key things to know about President Obama’s budget:
1. It hikes taxes by $1.1 trillion.
Heritage’s Curtis Dubay says: “There was little doubt that President Obama would propose a huge tax hike in his budget. It is a bit surprising, however, that the total tax increase he proposes is almost double what he claims it to be.”
Dubay explains where all the tax increases come from [2]—including the “Buffett Rule,” capping tax deductions, and hiking the cigarette tax and the death tax.
See and share an extended version of this infographic [5]
2. It underfunds defense.
Heritage’s Patrick Louis Knudsen explains that “While boosting domestic spending, the President remains indifferent to national security needs [1]. His proposed defense spending, though somewhat higher than sequestration levels, remains inadequate.” Baker Spring says, “The result is going to be a defense posture that is too small [1] in terms of both personnel and force structure, does not include modern weapons and equipment, and does not provide adequate levels of training and maintenance.”
3. It doubles down on Obamacare.
The Obama budget actually expands parts of Obamacare and even includes new changes to Medicare that create two sneaky new “taxes” on seniors [1]. Obamacare’s “malignant new entitlements—its health insurance subsidies and Medicaid expansions—start in this 2014 budget,” Knudsen reminds us.
"With their implementation, the misnamed Affordable Care Act will add a distinctly unaffordable [1]$1.8 trillion in federal spending [1] through 2023. Equally important, Obamacare commandeers the health care sector with a massive program that further distorts the market, intrudes on the doctor-patient relationship, and dismisses personal and religious liberty.4. It doesn’t balance and never will.
As Knudsen says, “Because the budget never balances—it doesn’t even try—debt remains at dangerously elevated levels [1].” See how Obama’s non-balancing budget compares to the plans [6] in the House and Senate, as well as Heritage’s Saving the American Dream plan.
5. It’s irrelevant.
The President’s budget is more than two months late. The House and Senate have already passed their own budgets [6], and the next step is for the two chambers to come together to see if they can hash out a budget that both chambers can pass. At this point, why is the President bothering?
[bold AND italicized portions MY emphasis]
The Obama Budget in One Infographic [5]
Damaging Policies Add Up to $1 Trillion Tax Increase in Obama Budget [2]
Heritage Experts’ Analysis of the Obama Budget [1]
to article: http://blog.heritage.org/2013/04/11/morning-bell-5-things-to-know-about-the-obama-budget/
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