NOTE -1) The other night I watched an inspiring episode of Life Today ministry that featured Jennifer Rothschild. Trust me, you will be greatly blessed! Go to 2) ALSO Check out this week's "Truth That Transforms" broadcast at This week’s program is part 1 of a special program entitled “One Nation Under God” that looks at the Christian roots of America. Don't Miss It!
ATTENTION: TODAY is the second day of the 30 days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (see link below for resource material you can download.) Please join me in focusing prayers of these over one billion people who need to hear the gospel of Jesus.[NOTE: 1) You can download a page of helpful basic information about Islam and Ramadan at: ; and 2) The following is from a 30-day prayer guide you can download at:
July 11 ALMIGHTY (Afghanistan)“…’who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’” (Revelation 1:8b). The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan does not recognize any Afghan citizens as being Christians, nor are Afghan citizens legally permitted to convert to Christianity. In Afghanistan, no visible Christian church exists outside of diplomatic walls and foreign military bases. Yet, the church does exist! Afghani believers take great risks to meet in small groups; others worship in secret. Many feel isolated or alone. Today, and during the Ramadan season, pray for these believers to be filled with His Almighty presence.
"Egypt Facing Civil War? "Some Fear Civil War As Violence Spreads In Egypt," -- PRAY for the nation of Egypt, as it faces a crucial moment, that the recent events would result in its becoming a true democracy and NOT an Islamic state. PRAY esp. that the peoples' freedoms, in particular the religious freedom of its minorities (specifically its oppressed Christians) would be protected.PRAY also: 1) For peace and stability in Egypt after the government overthrow, 2) That the U.S. will effectively reach out to the new government, and 3) For safety for Americans living in Egypt
" Texas To Vote On Major Pro-Life Bill THIS Week "- PRAY that the Texas House will finally vote to approve a bill (which the Governor is ready to sign) that will, among other things, make illegal abortions before the 20th week (when babies are discovered to first feel pain) and which will regulate abortion clinics just as any other medical facilities are. PRAY that the passage of this law will spur other such laws throughout the country and eventually be made into a federal law.
American Pastor Saeed Held Prisoner in Iran - June 5th Update - "Saeed's Wife Uses UN Speech to 'Plant Gospel'," by George Thomas, CBN News Sr. Reporter, June 05, 2013,"Prayers from Prison: American Pastor Held in Iran Releases Letter," May 22, 2013;"...Abedini has been held at the brutal prison for 238 days, enduring long stints in solitary confinement, and, according to his supporters, beatings and torture at the hands of his jailers and fellow inmates. For months, he has been suffering from serious injuries, including internal bleeding from beatings with no proper medical attention, according to his family and attorneys."(Sources: Fox News, Assemblies of God website) Please PRAY:1) For the imprisoned Pastor Abedini, and for those Iranians who tend to his needs in prison to treat him more humanely. 2) For his family in Boise, Idaho. and their efforts to involve the U.S. State Department in securing Pastor Abedini’s release. And 3) For the impact of his witness upon believers and non-believers, in America and across the world. And if you have not yet, join the over 600,000 worldwide who have signed the petition asking for his release at
WASHINGTON -- The Muslim Brotherhood is a well-known and powerful force throughout the Islamic world.In recent years, it's turned its attention to America and communities here that are ripe for its radical agenda.
CBN News recently spoke with two American Muslims who shed light on the Brotherhood's tactics inside the United States.
Brotherhood's Plan for America
Dr. Ahmed Mansour, president of the International Quranic Center, watched for years as the Muslim Brotherhood slowly laid the groundwork to seize power in his home country of Egypt. Now, in America, he worries the Brotherhood will follow a similar playbook.
"They are working in the American community to make it as a fifth column," Mansour told CBN News. "They want to take over any place they are in."
Mansour taught at Cairo's famed Al-Azhar University, where he saw the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology up close."They believe that the world is divided into two camps: the camp of believers, their camp, and the camp of disbelievers, the camp of war. And they have the religious duty to war against that other camp.
Mansour founded the Quranist movement to present a more moderate interpretation of Islam. Over the years, it led to prison and harassment in Egypt.He was finally forced to leave the country in 2001 after speaking out against the likes of the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood's Two Faces
"They are very cunning," Mansour said of the Brotherhood. "They usually use two faces. They use two discourses: the discourse among them, against all the people -- and a discourse, a very beautiful discourse, for all the non-Muslims." But Mansour said they're real agenda is to seize power. "Yes, this is what the Muslim Brothers are all about," he said.
Meanwhile, "Abdullah," another moderate Muslim, says followers of the Muslim Brotherhood have taken over mosques in the Boston area. CBN News disguised his face and voice for his safety."They want to go after the young minds," Abdullah said. "And the way they go after the young minds is, either they start scholarships in high school or they bring them to a certain level of obedience. It is called "tarbiyya." They have classes for them and so on." Abdullah explained that once you're a Muslim Brother, you're in for life."When some young man is ready to take the oath, he is given an oath so he will never leave the organization. They will do anything," he said.
He says the Brotherhood also operates on Boston-area campuses.Mansour, for one, is not surprised. He said he was shocked when he arrived in America and found that radicals controlled many of the mosques he visited -- even in the Washington, D.C., area. "I escape from them in Egypt and find them here. I say to myself, 'Where can I go? Can I go to the moon?'" Mansour said.
The Brotherhood's influence may even stretch beyond the local level.There have been reports in Egyptian media that Muslim Brotherhood operatives have influence in the Obama administration when it comes to counterterrorism and Mideast policy-making.
As for Mansour, he said he can't get any backing from U.S. government agencies for his moderate message.
[bold, italics, and underline emphasis mine]
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