Monday, June 2, 2014

# 898 (6/2) "Defending the Right To Free Speech"

The Bulletin Board:(Please SCROLL DOWN this page to find the article titled on this post in LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS. Thank you.)

PRAY FOR AMERICA:  THANK GOD for His many blessings on America throughout it's history. May we then ask that AMERICA once again be a blessing TO GOD, by once again submitting to HIS will in our affairs - both personal and national - that He may truly "heal our land." (2 Chron. 7:14)

[Memorial Day Concert - 8 PM TONIGHT, PBS: I encourage you and your family to tune in to the program tonight as I hope it will be a great one as the one last year. Please tune in!

SIGN A PETITION TO THE UN FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHRISTIANS :" The church in Syria has shone brightly for 2,000 years. But today violence and persecution threatens its survival. Thanks to an incredible response, Open Doors is helping 8,000 families in Syria survive each month. We believe the signatures and prayers of 500,000 people will encourage the UN to act and protect the rights and lives of all Syrians, especially the vulnerable Christian community." Go to:

 LATEST SAHEED NEWS!  May 22 - "Pastor Saeed Forcibly Returned to Prison after Beating" - By Caitlin Burke,CBN News, May 22, 2014; "Saeed Abedini, a U.S. pastor imprisoned for his faith, was severely beaten at an Iranian hospital before being returned to the brutal Rajai Shahr prison. His Iranian family claims the transfer was unexpected and the reason is unclear. But one of the guards involved in the transfer suggested recent Iranian nuclear talks could be a motive, the family said...""
Pastor Saeed Abedini (Photo: CitizenGo via Twitter)

We need to continue to pray for Pastor Saeed - that his health will improve and that he will be re-united with his wife and two young children who live in the United States. We also remain hopeful that in addition to getting the medical care he so desperately needs, that Iranian officials display the kind of humanitarian treatment that often accompanies the start of the Iranian New Year which began on March 21st. This is the time of year when the Iranian government frequently offers clemency to prisoners of conscience. [If you have not yet, please sign the petition for his clemency-]
PRAY ALSO : - For comfort and peace for Saeed’s wife and children here in the U.S.\
- For a strong witness and testimony from Pastor Abedini in the prison where God has placed him
- For Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ
- For leadership from the White House and State Department in defending the freedoms of Abedini and other Americans
- GO TO to sign a petition over 600,000 others asking for his immediate release

LATEST NEWS /PRAYER ALERT"100,000 Russian Troops at Ukraine Border, Could Invade ’At a Moment’s Notice’" - 3/28/2014;
The U.S. State Department believes the Russian army is now prepared to launch an invasion of eastern Ukraine if President Vladimir Putin decides to pull the trigger, according to a senior Administration official."At this point, they are amassed and they could go at a moment’s notice if Putin gave the go ahead," the official said...Top Ukrainian security officials said Thursday that Russia now has 100,000 troops on its side of the Russia-Ukraine border.(Sources: CBS News, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Daily Beast) 
As the Lord leads, please pray
*For God to suppress President Putin’s ambitions to "restore" the Soviet empire.
*For the people of Ukrainen [esp. for the church 'to be THE church']  as they wait to see if the Russian troops will advance.
*About President Obama and  to use wisdom in crafting our  foreign policy, and wisdom for his advisers.

NEWS/PRAYER ALERT!"Kim Jong-un Calls for Execution of 33 Christians" - 3/7/2014; "North Korea tyrant Kim Jong-un has reportedly ordered that 33 Christians believed to be working alongside South Korean Baptist missionary Kim Jung-wook be put to death. The South Korean missionary - who was arrested last year - and his accomplices have reportedly started 500 or so underground churches..."[PRAY that the plans for execution would be rescinded, and these believers released.] [Che\ck out: They'll Be Dead By Morning (What Difference Will It Make)
NEWS ALERT/PRAISE! "Iran Allows Surgery on Ailing, Imprisoned Pastor" -,March 07, 2014; The Iranian government has finally allowed doctors to perform surgery on imprisoned Pastor Benham Irani.Irani suffered from a herniated disc and bleeding intestines and urgently needed medical care. PRAY for the final release of Pastor Irani and others imprisoned for their faith.

Oct. 23: "Christians Fleeing IRAQ Area Once Considered Safe," -, PRAY that believers in Iraq will know God's protection and provision; that believers will know[ whether they are called to flee or remain and persevere; and that their persecutors  may come to hear the gospel and come to faith in Christ. - Stan] 

Continue to Pray for EGYPT Continue to pray for the tense situation in Egypt and especially for the Christian believers who are being targeted with violence by Muslim Brotherhood members.]  
Update on Kenneth Bae: "US Ready to Bargain with N. Korea for Bae's Release,"-,  Aug 14, 2013  - PRAY for 1) God's healing of and presence with Pastor Bae, 2) His earliest release by the North Korean government, and 3) God's comfort for his family and friends.] 

"Defending the Right To Free Speech" - By Dave Ficere,

“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”—Voltaire

The media and pop culture have been abuzz the past several weeks over racist remarks made privately by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and publically by Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy. Both are white. At the same time, the same media was eerily silent over racist remarks hurled at Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell by black Mississippi Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson during a radio interview.

Is there a double standard in America regarding free speech?

Radio commentator Rush Limbaugh thinks so. “There are at least two speech codes [in America],” Limbaugh said on his April 30, 2014 program, “and if you don’t know which one applies to you, you are going to be the next Donald Sterling.”

Which brings me back to Voltaire. The French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher—famous for his wit and sarcasm—was a strong advocate for freedom of religion and expression. His writings, along with those of his contemporary Jean-Jacques Rousseau, helped fuel the American Revolution and gave America’s founding fathers important concepts they used to build a new form of government and establish the greatest nation the world has ever known.

But, more than 200 years later, is that freedom of expression disappearing?

“There are certain things minorities can say that you can’t if you’re not a minority,” Limbaugh told his radio audience. “And there’s less and less that the so-called majority can say. Permissible speech is dwindling for those who are said to be non-minority [but] the speech code for minorities is wide open and expanding.”

Which brings the conversation back to Representative Thompson. Discussing the Supreme Court and affirmative action, the Mississippi Congressman referred to Justice Clarence Thomas as an “Uncle Tom,” adding, “it’s almost to the point saying this man doesn’t like black people, he doesn’t like being black.” For bonus points, Thompson called McConnell a racist for his opposition to policies put forth by the nation’s first black president.

Was the media outraged? Did anybody call for Thompson to resign? The answers are “no” and I’m still waiting…

Limbaugh is right. American cultural elites want to have it both ways: Minorities—citing “free speech”—are allowed to say whatever they want without fear of retribution, while non-minorities have their feet held to the fire for public and private utterances that may offend others.

While racially hateful speech should be condemned no matter who utters it, Andrew Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court judge and current senior judicial analyst at Fox News, is quick to point out that racially hateful speech is protected by the First Amendment, which was largely written to protect such speech.

“The entire United States of America is a free speech zone,” he writes in an op-ed piece for Fox News, “but hateful and hurtful words have natural and probable consequences where the people are free to counter them.”

But should Sterling be stripped of his valuable NBA team over his remarks? Likewise, why was Mozilla co-founder and CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign because six years ago he donated to California’s Proposition 8 in support of defining marriage as between one man and one woman? Action he took as a private citizen? Where will the political correctness and censorship end? Apparently, not anytime soon.

In a column this past week in the Huffington Post, liberal commentator Alan Colmes warned against proposed Congressional legislation authorizing the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to “analyze” media outlets— including radio—to determine if they’re working to “advocate and encourage” hate crimes.

“Who will define ‘hate speech,’” Colmes asks, adding that “Hate speech can be anything you disagree with. It can be speech directed at a person who is offended. There is no asterisk in the Constitution that says [free speech is protected] except for hate speech.” [emphasis added]

The early Christians defied authority by speaking out about their faith despite efforts to silence them and threats of imprisonment. “We must obey God rather than man,” Peter told the high priests who questioned him.

Today, the cultural high priests sit in judgment of those who speak words that rub others the wrong way or are deemed culturally insensitive.

“I would not invite Bundy or Sterling into my home, nor would I befriend them,” Judge Napolitano concludes. “But I will defend with zeal and diligence their constitutional freedoms.” Hmm…sounds a lot like Voltaire.

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

Dave Ficere’s articles and writing have been featured in a wide array of media including radio promotions, devotional publications, websites, magazines and newsletters. The owner of his own writing business, Dave is married to Patt and lives in Phoenix, AZ.

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