Friday, June 5, 2015

# 1249 (6/5) "Bowing to the Big Lie of Bruce Jenner"

"BOWING TO THE BIG LIE OF BRUCE JENNER" - Brent Bozell | Jun 05, 2015; [AS I SEE IT: Overwhelmed as I have been with the barrage of news stories about Bruce Jenner choosing to become a woman, it has reminded that we live in  a culture that celebrates calling evil good and good evil. A person who expresses publicly anything else is pressured to apologize to stating the obvious. I can only feel sadness for this MAN (and others like him) who is in such confusion that he has turned from GOD's wonderful plan for his life, and in effect turned from God. BRUCE JENNER NEEDS OUR PRAYERS! And so do the countless young people who as a part of growing up are either bullied or just are led to ask if they are really a boy or a girl (but who almost all overcome such confusion over time). Sadly, as they watch MR. Jenner only get affirmation for what he's done, it will only add to their own confusion. How much more can we break the heart of God? - Stan (P.S. - Please note the short article after this first one that expresses the regret of someone who also did a Bruce Jenner type of transition. Insightful for Christians!)]
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
The story of Bruce Jenner declaring against human reality that he's a woman was already a tired old story, exhausted last month in a one-hour prime-time ABC "news" special. But that's not how the grand pooh-bahs of our news and entertainment media see it. They can't get enough. Deconstruction is a tonic. And so the Kardashian-Jenner Inc. rollout continues, a perfect combination of shameless TV hucksterism and a leftist revolt against the old-fashioned notion of natural humanity. How yesterday.

We know -- everyone knows -- Vanity Fair rolled out a new cover of Bruce Jenner gaudily underdressed as a woman with the headline "Call Me Caitlyn." Not a cover story, mind you, just a cover image. The media went bananas. ABC, CBS and NBC offered more than 48 minutes of coverage in two days, as if Jenner was now the Queen of America.

ISIS. The 2016 campaign. Hillary's scandals. The crashing economy. Who the [---] cares about that?

It would be shocking if anywhere in that 48-plus minutes of enthusiasm there was one discouraging word of dissent. Fawning is mandatory, dissent forbidden. Babbling morning hosts cooed over the Internet "buzz" (which they were fueling). Somehow they forgot to mention that a hefty portion of it expressed sadness, disgust and outrage at all the pandering.

So the Big Lie is a big hit. The emperor wears women's clothes, and everyone must bow and praise the beautiful rollout. GLAAD will destroy anyone who fails to be re-educated.

This publicity barrage is selling a new series on the cable channel E! titled "I Am Cait." You can now see all the gears and pulleys of this publicity machine. Bruce stuck with male pronouns in the first stage with ABC, so that they could make a drama out of the actual rollout of "Caitlyn Jenner." Every sensitive liberal soul is carefully taught that Bruce is a male until he decides that he's not. He changes his name for a new TV show. At that precise moment, everyone joins the pronoun revolution. Isn't this whole linguistic regime tremendously convenient for a publicist?

The dominant theme of the pandering is how "brave" Bruce Jenner is, from President Obama's tweets to every other liberal in America. ESPN will be giving him a "Courage Award" at their upcoming ESPY Awards show. Soldiers who lose limbs -- or their lives -- in combat are pikers compared to Bruce Jenner. No ESPYs for them. It's reserved for the man who goes out to dinner at Spago in a gown.

The mission of every media outlet, from ESPN to "Access Hollywood," is to make everyone genuflect to the new regime. On MSNBC, gay radio host Michelangelo Signorile praised all this as leadership: "I think the media, I think the way they've handled it, we're leading this discussion. Yes, people can have their moments when they're trying to get used to it, but somebody has got to lead the discussion. And this has been great."

Dissenters were slammed for objecting to the Big Lie that "Caitlyn Jenner" fathered children and won the gold medal in the men's decathlon in the 1976 Olympics. The "anti-defamation" police at GLAAD insist to the media: "Try to write transgender people's stories from the present day, instead of narrating them from some point in the past, thus avoiding confusion and potentially disrespectful use of incorrect pronouns." That's rich.

The confused people are the ones who think they're the smartest people in America, but can't figure out a man is a man and a woman is a woman. The deconstruction of Western Civilization skips merrily forward.

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

Brent Bozell is founder and President of the Media Research Center and runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. 
"Transgendered Regret: Sex Change 'Fixed Nothing'"By Rebekkah Kemp, June 05, 2015;
     Former Olympian Bruce Jenner has been hailed a hero by some in the LGBT community for his recent sex-change surgery and name change to Caitlyn. But one man who has changed sexes twice says that the transgender movement has left a trail of misery in its wake.
     Author and speaker Walt Heyer has experienced sex-change regret first hand. "The surgery fixed nothing - it only masked and exacerbated deeper psychological problems," Heyer wrote in a recent article on Public Discourse. "If more people were aware of the dark and troubled history of sex-reassignment surgery, perhaps we wouldn't be so quick to push people toward it," he said.
     Is sex-change surgery the answer to gender dysphoria? How should the Church respond to transgenders? "We need to be mindful that the Church is a hospital for broken people. And as such, we need to be the people who administer assistance and guidance to those people who are suffering," Heyer said. "We don't want to leave them where they are. We want them to be healed and find the source of Christ in their life so they can be restored the way I have been," he added.

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