Saturday, September 12, 2015

# 1346 (9/12) "National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children September 12" / "Networks Censor Congressional Hearing..."


SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately -
Two years ago, three national pro-life groups announced the first “National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children” to honor the unborn at the grave sites where they are buried.

The observance will be marked by simultaneous memorial services in cities from coast to coast at grave sites of aborted babies. This national observance is being coordinated by Citizens for a Pro-life Society, Priests for Life, and the Pro-life Action League. This is the first time in the history of legalized abortion that such nationwide memorials will be conducted and thousands of people from across the country are expected to participate.

Babies have been buried at dozens of locations after having been killed by abortion. Many of their bodied were retrieved from the actual trash bins of abortion clinics, or pathology labs where the bodies of the aborted unborn were shipped. Some graves have hundreds of bodies buried in them.

Now, Eric Scheidler of Pro-life Action League tells that the third annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children is approaching.

“This Saturday, September 12, is the third annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, being held at the burial places of aborted children and other memorial sites erected in their honor nationwide. The timing of this event is providential. Those undercover planned Parenthood videos have broken our hearts anew for aborted children, in a truly singular way. Let us mourn for them together on Saturday,” he said.

“You can find all the Day of Remembrance locations — over 130 all over the country — right here: While you’re there, check out my special video invitation for the event — and please share it with all your pro-life friends so they can mourn with us, too,” he added.

Scheidler continued: The Planned Parenthood videos have struck such a chord because they make us all face the reality that behind every abortion is a broken human body. How we react to those bodies says everything. Where Planned Parenthood sees a commodity to exploit, we see an abandoned brother or sister who deserves to be buried and mourned. Please join me this Saturday to mourn for these children and pray for an end to abortion in our land.”

He concluded: “It’s sobering to realize that grave markers for the unborn victims of abortion list only a date of burial. They have no birthdays because they were never allowed to be born. We can list no date of death, because those who killed them discarded their bodies like garbage. But they are not garbage to us. They are our brothers and sisters. That’s why we buried them, and that’s why we visit their graves to mourn for them and testify to their humanity.”

“Abortion is not an abstract issue,” added Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “Having a memorial service where these babies are buried reminds us that abortion is not merely about beliefs, but about bloodshed; not just about viewpoints, but victims.”

Monica Miller, Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, stated, “Since 1973, 55 million innocent unborn children have been killed with the sanction of law. A fraction of these victims of the American slaughter were actually buried. The graves of these victims are scattered across America– graves of sorrow and graves of indictment on a nation that permitted the killing of the innocent. This year, the 40th year of legalized abortion, ceremonies will take place at all graves of these unwanted babies–and our nation will be called to remember and bring an end to the injustice of abortion.”

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[bold, colored, and italics emphasis mine]

"NETWORKS CENSOR CONGRESSSIONAL HEARING Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts"  Matthew Philbin, Sept. 10, 2015 |   

Say this for ABC, CBS and NBC: they’re nothing if not tenacious. The networks have been diligent, even relentless, in their efforts to ignore the Planned Parenthood scandal, proving that when they circle the wagons around an ideological comrade, they stay circled.

The networks have maintained their blackout of news about the hidden camera videos from the Center for Medical Progress showing that America’s largest government subsidized abortion mill trades in a robust aftermarket of aborted baby parts – and does so with all the sensitivity and humanity of an automotive chop-shop. Last night, the nets upped their game; ignoring U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearings on the videos.

Too bad. It sounds, from a Washington Post description, that the hearings would have made for good TV, with emotional testimony and heated exchanges. They could also have covered the related news that what the Post called “far-right conservatives” (presumably identifiable by their horns) in the House may force a government shutdown in their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. Of course, the nets were busy with other pressing news. ABC World News Tonight with David Muir let his audience know that the NFL had invited singer Bruno Mars to perform the Super Bowl halftime show (it would be Mars’ second Super Bowl appearance!)

CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley spent a minute and 34 seconds on two Texas high school football players who tackled a referee. NBC Nightly News dedicated about 30 seconds to describing Apple’s new product offerings. That’s a modest amount of time, but half a minute is enough to let viewers know congress is investigating whether their tax dollars are going to an organization that sells infant body parts.

[bold and italics emphasis mine] Note: Matthew Philbin writes for the Media Research Center and this originally appeared at its Newsbusters web site.

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