![Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel](http://media.townhall.com/Townhall/Car/b/gv062416dAPR20160624014537.jpg)
The media has been calling last night's Democratic sit-in a "revolt." And people were revolted all right.
A little over a week after the worst U.S. terror attack since 9/11, House Democrats seem intent on helping radical Islam carry out another one. When liberals spend hours derailing House business to force a debate on gun control, they aren't preventing another massacre like Orlando's. They're creating the division -- and diversion -- radical Islamists need to plot another assault.
House Democrats should be angry about what happened to 49 innocent Americans. So should Republicans. But their outrage shouldn't be directed at each other or gun policy -- it should be directed at our enemies. Unfortunately for our nation, the president's party doesn't grasp who that enemy is. As Jim Geraghty pointed out in National Review, "Two and a half years after his 'JV' comment, there's painfully little evidence that Obama understands any of this better than he did then. How many more of our citizens must die before he gets it?" Instead, they're wasting precious legislative time blaming Christians or assault rifles for the shooting, while the real crisis gets worse. As a frustrated Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) called out, pointing at the pictures of the Orlando victims, "Radical Islam killed these people!"
Hate is the weapon here -- guns are just an instrument of it. And yet, in this desperate attempt to score political points, House Democrats are willing to put American lives at risk while they lie about their real agenda. They want a debate on guns instead of the radicals killing us! And guess who that benefits? The terrorists. Every minute the House wastes talking about AR-15s or intolerance towards Muslims is a minute Congress could be spending overhauling our homeland security policy. Right now, more than a half million foreign nationals are living here on expired visas, unvetted refugees are streaming through our borders, and what's the Left's solution? Gumming up the process for an agenda that will only prevent honest Americans from protecting themselves.
Criminals won't be deterred by gun laws -- any more than they're deterred by any law. This is all just part of a broader effort by the Obama administration to ignore what really happened in Florida and turn it into an opportunity to talk about people who believe in God and guns. In the meantime, thousands of military veterans were left hanging, waiting for members to finish VA and Financial Services bills that were shoved aside for the Democrats' selfish PR. "This is nothing more than a publicity stunt," Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) argued. "This is not about a solution to a problem. This is about trying to get attention." And Democrats are not above exploiting 49 Americans' deaths to do it. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) insisted Ryan's comments were "disrespectful to the nation."
No, what's disrespectful is distracting from the real threat while you peddle a completely unrelated agenda. Now, while ISIS celebrates, Congress is too busy fighting with itself to unite behind a plan to defeat the enemy. No wonder radical Muslims feel empowered. Liberals are creating the diversion for them! And with some exceptions, Republicans are facilitating it. Despite controlling the floor, the GOP is letting Democrats control the conversation.
As the president's party sits and spins, it's time for the GOP to acknowledge the truth that Democrats won't: America is at war with radical Islam. The threat is not citizens who own guns or those who believe in God and biblical morality. And unless the Left calls curtains on its political theater and starts caring more about our country than their campaigns, Orlando will be just the second act in an ongoing tragedy that will play out across America.
[bold and italics emphasis mine]
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