Wednesday, March 22, 2017

#1896 (3/22) "Kids These Days - Generation Z Most Conservative Since WWII?"

"KIDS THESE DAYS - GENERATION Z Most Conservative SINCE WWII?"by: Eric Metaxas,, March 16, 2017; [AS I SEE IT: This article was my first exposure to the term "Generation Z." Then to read that the youngest teens today are trending towards being more conservative in their outlook truly encourages me (who is - in case you haven't noticed -  a conservative in my views). It's esp. encouraging to me as just recently I've despaired over meeting young adults (Millennials) who show evidence of years of exposure to liberal views of their public school teachers. I've felt frustrated that while most young people are constantly exposed to the "politically correct" views (if not in the classroom, in social media and the liberal cultural elites), Christians who hold conservative views are restrained from "imposing their views," esp. in the context of the Church environment. How important it is that those in our pulpits are not hesitant to share Biblical views on the issues of the day that more often than not are conservative in nature. And yet, how rare to find such views expressed. As this article shares, maybe there is still hope for "kids these days" and the world tomorrow. - Stan]
For years, we’ve been hearing that one side of the political aisle is on “the right side of history.” But history doesn’t seem to be cooperating.

For at least a decade, Millennials have been stereotyped as lazy, entitled, and stuck on social media. While that may not be entirely fair, they are notoriously liberal, overwhelmingly supporting left-leaning candidates and favoring policies like nationalized healthcare and same-sex “marriage.” But Millennials are also getting old—relatively speaking. The first are now reaching the ripe old age of thirty-five! And sometime between 1995 and 2000, the millennial generation ended, or at least stopped being born, and a new generation began.

Members of Generation Z” are now beginning to graduate high school, and 2016 was the first time any of them were old enough to vote. At seventy million and counting, they’re also about to outnumber their predecessors.

So, what’s so intriguing about this new brood? Well, according to a growing body of research, they may be, by certain measures, the most conservative generation since World War II—more than Millennials, Generation Xers and even the Baby-Boomers.

Millennials were raised in a time of roaring prosperity, when video cassettes were a bigger influence than digital technology, and many came of age before the age of radical Islamic terror. 
Gen Z kids, by contrast, are “digital natives.” They’ve never known life without the Internet, and have grown up surrounded by instant access to the world’s harsh realities on their smart phones. These young people are products of conflict and recession. They can only remember a news cycle “marred by economic stress, rising student debt… and war overseas.” As a result, they’ve taken on what one team of Goldman-Sachs analysts called a “more pragmatic” and conservative outlook on the world.

Of course, generalizations at this stage are very early and very subject to development. But according to polling in the wake of the 2016 election, Gen Z Americans didn’t vote like their Millennial predecessors. Eight out of ten of these kids identify themselves as “fiscally conservative,” and they prefer saving to spending—at rates not seen since the Silent Generation.

And get this: According to one British study conducted by global consultancy firm, The Guild, almost sixty percent of Gen Z respondents in the U.K. described their views on “same-sex marriage, transgender rights and marijuana legalization” as “conservative” or “moderate,” compared with a whopping 83% of Millennials who called themselves “quite” or “very liberal” on these issues. The Gen Z participants were even ten times more likely than Millennials to dislike tattoos and body piercings!

These are good trends, but these students still need discipleship and catechesis. A tendency toward traditional values, by itself, means nothing unless those who believe in revealed Truth, the Gospel, the natural family, and political and religious liberty step forward and train the next generation to articulate and live out these truths.

What is clear from this emerging data about the young is that they don’t fit neatly into rhetoric about the “right side of history.” As Columbia University sociologist, Musa Al-Gharbi writes, trends like this are deeply troubling for those so recently crowing that the future belonged to one political party.

No one knows what the future holds, except the One Who holds the future! And the fact that so many were apparently wrong about the right side of history is just another reminder that He alone is God, Whom the Psalmist called “faithful throughout all generations.”

[bold, italics, and colored emphasis mine]

"Gen Z is the most conservative generation since those born before 1945"Marketing Communications News September 15, 2016;

"The Democratic Party Is Facing a Demographic Crisis"Musa Al-Gharbi The American Conservative March 2, 2017;

"50k ‘Gen Z’ Students Identify as Republican"Alberto Avalos Hispanic Heritage Foundation October 27, 2016;

"Goldman Sachs has made a chart of the generations ... and it will make the millennials shudder"Jim Edwards  Business Insider UK December 5, 2015;

"The Post-Millennial Generation Should Worry Democrats"Pete Vanderzwet February 7, 2017;

Meet Generation Z: Understanding and Reaching the New Post-Christian World- James Emery White Baker Publishing January 2017;

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