*For wisdom for the President as he meets with Slavic Prime Minister Pellegrini to discuss recent gains in bilateral security cooperation and concerns on cyber threats.
*For safety for the Vice President as he travels to Louisiana and KY.
*For wisdom for President Trump, Cabinet members and advisers determining the best course of action for the United States in Venezuela.
*For all the negotiations being undertaken on trade with many of America’s trading partners.
*For wisdom for the president as he faces the probability of another round of investigations by Congress.
*For the new leadership of the Department of Homeland Security in advancing plans for dealing with the security and humanitarian crises at the southern border.
*For God to guide the president and make clear the decisions that he should make related to foreign policy.
*For guidance for President Trump as he works on a variety of issues, that God’s will would be accomplished through him.
Remember that 1980’s cough syrup commercial when Chris Robinson said, “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV”? I wanted to paraphrase these immortal words when I read what actor Joaquin Phoenix of “Gladiator” fame said about his role as Jesus in the upcoming movie, “Mary Magdalene.” Phoenix is not the Son of Man, but he plays him on the big screen. His is a very different Jesus than the one we meet in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Judging by the trailer and the press roll-out, the movie will draw heavily on a second-century Gnostic text known as “the Gospel of Mary.” In a recent interview with Newsweek, Phoenix slammed early Christianity for not canonizing this and other apocryphal writings about Jesus, saying: “Why was Mary’s book not included in the Bible? The stench of blatant sexism,” he says, is “inescapable.” Phoenix went even further in another interview: “Somebody made that decision to exclude [Mary Magdalene’s] observations and feelings about the life of Christ and her experience. There seems to have been an overt intention to exclude women from that process.”
The truth is, no one excluded Mary Magdalene’s experiences. Scholars universally agree that she didn’t write this so-called gospel. Along with other texts like “the Apocryphon of John,” and “the Sophia of Jesus Christ,” “the Gospel of Mary” was never recognized by the Church as part of the New Testament. The reason is that it is an obvious forgery. The Gospel of Mary is a work of fan-fiction by members of a false religion who attempted to co-opt Jesus for their own purposes. True to the pattern of other Gnostic texts, the “Gospel of Mary” claims that Jesus delivered a private revelation to its namesake that radically contradicts the canonical gospels.
Even more, the Mary Magdalene revealed in the Bible is the best response we have to the accusation that early Christianity was sexist. Recall that she is reported as the first witness of the risen Lord—a claim that would have scandalized first-century Jewish readers. In that culture, the testimony of a woman was considered worthless, yet she and several other women were entrusted to take the message of Christ’s resurrection back to His disciples, and those disciples were hesitant to believe them. If the four gospels were written to make Jesus’ male followers look good at the expense of the women, they did a lousy job.
Authors like Alvin J. Schmidt and Rodney Stark have documented that Christianity—far from oppressing women—radically elevated their status in the ancient world. It’s hard for us in 2019 to grasp just how revolutionary the Apostle Paul’s words were that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
And speaking of important background material, Joaquin Phoenix grew up in a pseudo-Christian cult that seems to have soured him toward religion. While we should be sensitive to that experience, we have to admit he’s no expert. Even so, his unfounded statements and the false story this movie tells will strike many as convincing, in the same way Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code” did a few years back.
The good news is, we live in what I like to call the “golden age of good arguments.” There is a wealth of apologetic resources available that ably debunks the idea that the Gnostic gospels were unfairly suppressed or that they offer any new information about the life of Jesus. We’ll link you to just a few of those resources at BreakPoint.org.
The problem isn’t that the answers aren’t available. The problem is that the answers rarely reach as many people as the falsehoods do from the publishing industry, the media, or Hollywood—which, like the Gnostics of old—never tire of producing false Christianities and false Jesuses.
Our job is to learn the answers, to engage in conversations, to dialogue about those answers, and to do our best to set the record straight.
[italics and colored emphasis mine]
The Rise of Christianity- Rodney Stark | HarperOne | 1997; https://colsoncenter.christianbook.com/the-rise-of-christianity/rodney-stark/9780060677015/pd/7710X?event=ESRCG
Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World- Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell | Thomas Nelson | 2017; https://colsoncenter.christianbook.com/evidence-demands-verdict-changing-skeptical-world/josh-mcdowell/9781401676704/pd/676704?event=ESRCG
"Why Shouldn’t We Trust the Non-Canonical Gospels?" - Mary”? - J. Warner Wallace | November 1, 2017;http://www.breakpoint.org/2019/05/fabricated-faith-why-shouldnt-we-trust-the-non-canonical-gospel-of-mary/?key=facebook
"Why Shouldn’t We Trust the Non-Canonical Gospels?" - J. Warner Wallace | April 18, 2018; https://coldcasechristianity.com/category/writings/non-canonical-texts/
PRAISE GOD for the continuing recent successes against
and physical violence. Please join us in praying with our brothers and sisters in these places where peace is elusive and conflict is ever-present.
May 3 | LIBYA - Please pray for peace in this country torn apart by civil war where chaos remains constant. Pray for believers’ protection and that the hearts of non-believers would be open to receive the Good News.
*Names changed to protect identities
I'm not really sure what to think about this Mary Magdalene movie. The article doesn't state what the supposed revelation to Mary is in the Gospel of Mary and it seems that the controversy around the movie is that it elevates Mary's status as a fellow disciple. (She was a disciple for Jesus had hundreds, but she was not one of the twelve.)
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the movie may have been created to intentionally cause controversy and challenge the traditional views of Christianity (which is probably not a good intention).
Someone challenged me to read The DaVinci Code book, so I did and it was very interesting. It provides a fictional narrative where the protagonist discovers Jesus's descendants through a winding path of riddles/puzzles/danger. Of course, I don't believe it's true.
As for whether the Church suppressed testimonies that could have been true, I have heard this argument: The gospels aren't cannon because the Church said they were cannon - the Church said they were cannon because the Church recognized what was already true - that these gospels were inspired by God and already cannon before anyone said they were. God does not contradict himself and one must test the spirits to see what is from God and what is not.
This article has so much potential for discussion, but these are just my two cents.