Monday, February 1, 2021

#3262 (2/1) " Just 15% of Americans Agree With Joe Biden’s Position Supporting Abortions Up to Birth"

"JUST 15% OF AMERICANS AGREE WITH JOE BIDEN'S POSITON SUPPORTING ABORTION UP TO BIRTH" - Miacaiah Bilger, Jan. 27, 2021 | [Out  of touch! [AS I SEE IT: Talk about a leader of exteremists who is out of touch with most Americans!  God help us- Stan]

    President Joe Biden’s position on abortion is widely unpopular with Americansincluding many Democrats and those who identify as pro-choice, according to a new poll.

   Released Wednesday, the Maris/Knights of Columbus poll found that just 15 percent of Americans believe abortions should be available to a woman any time during her entire pregnancy. In contrast, 76 percent of Americans (including 55 percent who identify as pro-choice) support strong limits on abortion. “Amidst the harsh political divides in our country, clear bipartisan majorities support abortion restrictions and do not want their tax dollars paying for abortion abroad,” said Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, in a statement.

   The new poll results are not unusual. Gallup and other polling groups have found similarly strong opposition to abortion on demand. These consistent findings make it clear that Biden and his administration are not representing the will of the people but the agenda of the billion-dollar abortion industry. Biden, a pro-abortion Democrat who professes to be a devout Catholic, says he wants to restore unity to the country. However, these polls suggest his plans to “codify” Roe v. Wade into federal law and force taxpayers to fund abortions would do the opposite.

   “Codifying” Roe would cement abortion on demand into federal law, so that abortions would remain legal even if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the ruling. Roe forced states to legalize abortions for basically any reason up to birth and made the U.S. one of only seven countries in the world that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.Most Americans support strong restrictions on abortion, especially after the first trimester, as the Marist poll found. But Biden does not. In June, he said he believes in a “woman’s constitutional right to choice under any circumstances.”

   The president wants to force American taxpayers to pay for abortions, too. Any day now, Biden is expected to sign an executive order to rescind the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits taxpayer funding to international aid groups that promote and/or provide abortions. An overwhelming majority of Americans oppose Biden’s plan. According tothe Marist poll, 77 percent oppose using tax dollars to support abortion in other countries. Significantly, this includes a majority of Democrats (55 percent) and pro-choice Americans (64 percent). Most Americans (58 percent) also oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in the U.S. Yet, Biden recently began backing the Democratic Party’s plans to end the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions.

   About 900,000 unborn babies are aborted every year in America, and about 62 million have been aborted since 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court forced states to legalize abortion on demand. If Biden succeeds in enacting his radical agenda, even more unborn babies will be killed in elective, completely unnecessary abortions.

   Anderson said he hopes politicians will pay attention to the polls and represent Americans’ views on the matter. “The American people show consensus and restraint on this issue, and we hope that our elected officials and policy makers will heed this call for unity when there is far too much that divides us in our politics today,” he said.

[italics and colored emphasis mine]


"Former NFL Player Ben Watson: We Have to Fight Joe Biden’s Abortion Agenda" - Mary Margaret Olohan, Jan. 27, 2021; 



"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against 
the disorder of the world Karl Barth
"Prayer is inviting God into a seemingly impossible situation and trusting/resting in His love and grace to accomplish His perfect will in His perfect time and for His greatest glory. Intercession is  one of the great privileges AND responsibilities for EVERY believer."- Stan
World-Wide Prayer Requests:

Praying Through the Open Doors World Watch List for persecuted believers:

 Imprisoned in Eritrea.Christians in Eritrea continue to face imprisonment despite politicalchanges that had many hoping for better days. Open Doors hasworked with and through the local church in Eritrea since the 1990s. Our vision is to see a strong church that’s holistically empowered to support one another and disciple believers so they remain faithful and reach out to others in the face of persecution.

February 1 - Pray for ex-prisoner Shiden’s* healing as he struggles to come to grips with all he missed out on during the decade he was imprisoned for his faith: education, career, marriage and fatherhood.

*Representative name or photo used to protect identity.

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