Thursday, November 8, 2012

#357 (11/8) - "Now Is a Time for Commitment"

Heavenly Father, Thank you that you know how yesterday was one of the most difficult days for me and MILLIONS of other Americans who understand that Preseident Obama, from the policies he has put in places and the worldview he has expressed, is more than just a bad leader. He is a dangerous leader for America now and for generations to come. I started this blog almost 3/12 years ago to inform and inspire people to stand up for truth on the issues of the day and to refuse to be taken in by the lies that bombard us in the mainstream media and through members of our decadent culture. We who realize the truth of the Obama administration had great hopes that yesterday, Nov. 7, would have marked a new beginning for our country but now we find ourselves and America faced with enduring 4 more years of this Presidency. In addition, America even lost the services of some good Christians who failed to win election and re-election in Congressional races across the country. Also, for the first time, two (not surprisingly very liberal/progressive states) states voted to make "same-sex" marriage a constitutional right. (Praise God there are 32 who have traditional marriage protected in their constitutions!)
          It is tempting, so very tempting, to want to just say, "I give up. If this is the kind of America that Americans choose to have, than maybe we deserve the consequencees." But when I think of the hard times the Pilgrims, our Founnding Fathers, Washington, Lincoln, and the millions who gave their lives in service to our country over the past centuries have endured to birth and preserve this nation, when I think of how God has specially blessed this nation with His grace, I join with those who say, "No Way!" Among the Scripture I turn to, I find the words of Hebrews 12:3 which state -  "Consider him [Jesus]  who endureed such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.''  I've told people that a non-Christian may turn aside the gospel after I share it with them, but afterwards, they don't stand a chance resisting the Spirit-empowered prayers I will launch against their wall of resistance.
         With the Spirit's empowerment and guidance, I commit to continuing to post things on this blog that speak truth to the issues of the day, AND I commit to continuing to pray DAILY for America, for another Great Spitual Awakening and for God to step in and save it from those who would - consciously or unconsiously - seek to tear it down. May God continue to bless America, and may she and especially God's people here do that which blesses God! In Jesus' name, Amen. - Stan

NOTE: President Obama said in his election night victory speech that "the best is yet to come." Mr. President, what you've done these years has been so bad things can only get better. We don't want to imagine what America will be like if things get worse because you have given us little reason of anything otherwise happening under your leadership. Mr. President, you have our prayers and our vigilant attention.
- By Ed Feulner On November 7, 2012. The Heritage Foundation

Dear friends,  I write to tell you to take heart.

Yes, conservatives are disappointed that a President who recklessly spent trillions, expanded government and put many of our values and institutions at risk has won a second term. But many of us have been here before. In Washington, there are no permanent victories or permanent defeats, just permanent battles. Now is the time to stand up and declare we will continue to fight against big government and for freedom.

We will see unfold over the next four years a crucial battle for the soul of America. This struggle requires committed warriors for the cause. The line must be held against bad policy while we continue advocating conservative solutions. We must fight against the efforts to divide the country through class warfare.

Rest assured this is what The Heritage Foundation is determined to do.
We know that the First Principles reflected in our Constitution made this country great. Those principles are alive and well in the hearts and minds of the American people. We will work harder than ever before to defend them and to see them translated into the right public policies.

President Obama may have won an Electoral College victory, but he knows that he lacks a mandate for changing our nation according to his progressive vision. He is the first re-elected president since World War II not to improve his margin of victory and to get fewer Electoral College votes in re-election. Let me be clear: The President does not have a mandate. But even so, he may claim he has a dictate to radically transform our country with his Euro-socialist agenda. We cannot allow him to get away with any such false claim or dangerous plan.

The President’s much-diminished support should make clear to Mr. Obama that he lacks a mandate for radically transforming this country, and we hope that will be the case. Of course, given the record of the past four years, we are not holding our breath. So we must be ready.
We must be ready to seize opportunities and to make opportunities.

There is the breakdown in Congress, a coequal branch of government. Conservatives were reelected to the House of Representatives, while Harry Reid and his friends still own the Senate. The status quo in Washington sadly still exists, and it is up to us to make sure that conservatives going forward present the clearest, most compelling contrast possible to the policies of the left. You can count on Heritage to work with our conservative allies in Congress to make this happen.

We will fight by offering the right policy proposals. From entitlement reform to national defense and energy policy, The Heritage Foundation will continue to fight for the solutions the country needs. We have a lot of work to do. Obamacare is dragging down our already struggling economy. Our nation is going broke with a national debt of $16 trillion—a 60 percent increase under President Obama. We must stop our national binge of spending, taxing, and borrowing. We now immediately face a lame duck Congress. The present House of Representatives must hold the line over the next two months and refuse to sign on to even more spending or higher taxes.

The Heritage Foundation has a comprehensive plan—Saving the American Dream—to reduce the size, scope and cost of government. It balances the budget within 10 years while maintaining a strong defense and without raising taxes. To achieve that goal, we must reform America’s entitlement programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—if we want to save them. I understand it will not be easy. But the alternative is unthinkable. We cannot keep spending money we do not have.

Let us do what is best for America. Let us resolve to save the American Dream for our children and our children’s children.Let us build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish and where an oppressive government does not hold anyone back or down.

Fellow conservatives, now is a time for commitment. Let’s get to work to save America—starting today. Will you encourage your neighbors, your family, your friends? Will you commit to the battles ahead? Join our fight today. [1] Onward! Ed Feulner

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

Quick Hits:

Article printed from The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation:
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[1] Join our fight today.:
[2] Watch a response video:
[3] Same-sex marriage made gains:
[4] legalize the possession and sale of marijuana for recreational use:,0,3447988.story
[5] splitting headaches:
[6] See details about their efforts:

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