In December 2014, Planned Parenthood Federation of America released their annual report for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. In the report, they list their twelve top moments of the year, from helping reduce teen pregnancy to “fighting” breast cancer. They even included their work in influencing pop culture by fighting abortion stigma in the movie Obvious Child.
Planned Parenthood seems especially proud that they influenced 126,494 youth through a new chat and text program online. According to their report, this program helps teens reach dedicated “specialists” at urgent moments to provide advice.They go on to brag that our generation will be the healthiest ever, and that because of Planned Parenthood, our women will be safe from unintended pregnancies, STD’s and cancer. Seems impressive, right? From a review of their report, they sound like quite the life-saving organization.
However, while Planned Parenthood keeps busy playing semantic word games with America, we’re left to uncover what really took place at their facilities.
In 2013, they performed 327,694 abortions, maintaining their position as the largest abortion business in America. They also raked in $305.3 million and continued to receive over a half-billion dollars in taxpayer dollars. Their breast cancer screening services dropped by 17% and their prenatal services by 4%; and for every adoption referral, the abortion giant performed 174 abortions.
Overall, Planned Parenthood reported more than $127 million in excess revenue, and more than $1.4 billion in net assets.
A new graph from Online for Life explains better than words how many abortions Planned Parenthood performed in 2014 (posted above). Yes, 94% of their “services” to pregnant women are abortion services; but hey…at least they will keep our families safe, right?
I wonder how safe unborn babies feel when being removed from the safe haven of their mother’s womb by a suction machine 29-times more powerful than a household vacuum cleaner. During a suction-aspiration abortion, the unborn child is dislodged and sucked into a tube, either whole or in pieces. Then, as we learned from former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson, after the abortion a staff member of the facility must review the parts of the baby removed by the vacuum system to ensure that all parts of the baby were indeed removed from the mother’s womb.
I wonder how safe women feel who leave Planned Parenthood, stripped of their dignity, expected to “recover” from the death of their child. And I wonder how safe our families feel, knowing that an organization that supports late abortion, and even has representatives that support post-birth abortion, are teaching our children their views about our most sacred values.
Why is it that in Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report, they forget to mention all the women that leave their clinics maimed from botched abortions? Why do we never hear about the unsanitary conditions in some Planned Parenthood facilities, like the one in Delaware that was required to close down because the conditions were similar to Gosnell’s House of Horrors?
If Planned Parenthood did acknowledge these realities, would America believe that they were a safe, life-saving organization? Of course not.
In order to cover up the truth, Planned Parenthood confounds America in many ways. They spend millions of dollars to refresh their brand; they facilitate bus tours around the country to rally support of pro-abortion Senators; and they create pretty reports with bright images of safe and happy women celebrating their health and families. Planned Parenthood might want to cover it up, but we must expose the truth behind the largest abortion business in America.
[bold and italics emphasis mine]
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