Thursday, May 14, 2015


"Defying ISIS -   - A WAKE UP CALL TO THE WEST AND THE WESTERN CHURCH"-  By: Eric Metaxas| May 13, 2015;;spUserID=MTMyMjM2ODE5OQS2&spJobID=540809750&;spReportId=NTQwODA5NzUwS0 [As I SEE IT: As I've said before, it's not enough for the church in the West, esp. in America, to simply give a cursory pray one Sunday and then say that the persecution of believers around the world is something we have a "disconnect" with, ie. that we can't identify with such atrocities. The question is - I believe - whether or not we really do see those being persecuted as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ or just people "over there." If we really did feel a kinship with other believers elsewhere, should we in America not be doing more than we have been? - Stan]
ISIS must be stopped. And author Johnnie Moore wants the Western Church to wake up before it’s too late.

What’s happening to our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Syria is nothing short of a Christian holocaust. Thousands and thousands of Christian men, women, and children are being beheaded, crucified, raped, and sold into slavery by ISIS.

Remember, the Middle East is the birthplace of our faith. Jesus grew up in Nazareth. It was in Syria where the term “Christian” was first used. And now, after almost 2,000 years of faithful presence and flourishing, the world’s most ancient Christian communities are disappearing. For too long, Christians in the West and the governments that represent us have done virtually nothing.

In his new book, “Defying ISIS,” former Liberty University vice-president Johnnie Moore says he has had enough. And he’s on a mission to wake up the Church in the West. My colleague John Stonestreet interviewed Moore on “BreakPoint This Week.” Please, I urge you, come to to hear this important interview.

Moore wrote the book after visiting Christian refugee camps in Iraq and Jordan. The living conditions were appalling, and the refugees’ stories were heartbreaking. Moore told John that as he talked with these people he realized: “they once had houses, cars, children in college . . . they were just like me.” These brothers and sisters were bewildered by the lack of outcry from the Western Church and the inaction of Western governments.

Moore describes what’s going on as a holocaust, and he uses the term advisedly. He reported that even his Jewish friends cannot believe that Christians around the world are doing so little to help their brethren.

Yes, it’s easy to feel helpless, but there are things we can do. No, neither you nor I can pick up the red phone and call in the Marines and the 82ndAirborne, but Moore urges Christians in America and elsewhere to create the political will for Western leaders to intervene.

“Now is the time,” Moore says, “to educate ourselves, to give generously . . . and to show love like we've never shown it before . . .  We must pray as we have never prayed before for the persecuted church.” “The fact is,” Moore continues, “we're seeing 1st century persecution in the 21st century. People are being beheaded the way they beheaded Paul. People are being crucified the way they crucified Peter. People are being killed with the sword . . . as described in Hebrews 13. And now we need to pray a very specific prayer. It's the prayer Paul told us to pray in 2 Thessalonians: ‘Pray that we might be delivered from wicked and evil men.’”

Folks, I do hope you will get yourself a copy of Johnnie Moore's book, “Defying ISIS.” We’ve got it at our online bookstore at  And I warn you, Moore is unflinching in describing the atrocities ISIS is committing against our brothers and sisters: against men, women, and children alike. But he also shows us who these Eastern Christians are, tells us about their history, their accomplishments, and their unyielding faith. It’s inspiring.

You’ll also find lists of organizations making a difference right now—organizations likeWorldHelp, The Cradle Fund, and The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East—all of which he urges us to support prayerfully and financially.

Oh, and by the way. Moore makes it very clear that ISIS is not just a Middle Eastern problem. It’s our problem, too. There are  people in your community who are probably reading and watching ISIS propaganda on the web, and as Homeland Security head Johnson admitted on the Sunday talk shows, they’re preparing to strike.[This is] a once-in-a-thousand-year crisis,” says Moore. “And the fact that we are alive while it's happening means that God will hold us accountable as to whether we did something or not.” 

[bold, italics, and colored emphasis mine]

Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of Its Birth and in Your Own Backyard
Johnnie Moore | Thomas Nelson | April 2015
"BreakPoint This Week: Denying ISIS"John Stonestreet | | May 8, 2015;

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