[DEAR FRIEND, I just read this in an email this morning (7/24) at a conservative news website: "Coke will not contribute to Planned Parenthood and will not match employee contributions to the organ harvesters either." I don't have confirmation of this but it reminds me that as I was praying (as I do each morning) for the over 3,000 women every day who have scheduled appointments to abort their unborn child, God encouraged me that possibly through this latest PP scandal many women are giving second thoughts to abortion. Hopefully the scandal (like the revelation of partial birth abortions 12 years ago) will serve to educate more people that abortion is not about discarding unwanted tissue but of destroying live human beings. Hopefully, it will be the cause of fewer and fewer choosing abortion as a choice! Let's be praying that is already happening! - Stan]
PRAYER MATTERS:"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world." - Karl Barth; "Prayer is inviting God into a seemingly impossible situation and asking Him to accomplish His perfect and loving will." - Stan
S.C. Decision on Homosexual Marriage– NOTE: I cannot stress enough how we all need to be praying that the Church – ie, the individual believer and the institution itself - will respond appropriately and effectively. Despite what the mainstream media is reporting, the debate is NOT over! (42 years after the SC legalized abortion, that debate is also FAR from over!) The Court ruled wrongly BUT they do NOT speak the FINAL word; God’s Word (and GOD) does – and always will. Isaiah 40:8; Phil. 4:5-6.
"'We Can't Forget' Pastor Saeed's 1,000 Days in Prison" - By Abigail Robertson, June 24, 2015, http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2015/June/We-Cant-Forget-Pastor-Saeeds-1000-Days-in-Prison/
"Pastor Saeed Abedini has been imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith for 1,000 days, June 23... 'We cannot move forward with an Iranian nuclear deal while Pastor Saeed sits in prison as well as three other Americans,' he said. Mahoney also called upon Christians around the world to come together in prayer.
'Pray for Saeed and his family, pray for safety for our brothers and sisters around the world, and also pray for our elected officials and President Obama that they would not be silent, ' Mahoney urged. 'We believe that as Christians pray around the world, we can see Pastor Saeed's release.' "
"DON'T LEAVE AMERICAN PASTOR SAEED BEHIND " - (5/2) - The Obama administration has stated that they would veto any Congressional action to tie the proposed nuclear deal with Pastor Saeed's release! (4/1/) - A nuclear deal with Iran could come at any time, any hour, any day. But will American Pastor Saeed be freed? His health is worsening. He continues to suffer grave threats in an Iranian prison where torture and executions are commonplace. President Obama assured Pastor Saeed’s wife that freedom for this wrongfully imprisoned U.S. citizen would be a “top priority.” Now is a critical time to continue to pressure the Obama Administration to not leave Pastor Saeed behind and urge Iran to show goodwill. Pastor Saeed is imprisoned merely because he is a Christian. He deserves to be home with his family. We continue fighting for his freedom – working in Congress, with the State Department, and with leaders across the globe. We must not forget Pastor Saeed. Sign the Petition: "Don’t Leave American Pastor Saeed Behind".; http://aclj.org/persecuted-church/dont-leave-am
![Pastor Saeed Abedini (Photo: CitizenGo via Twitter)](http://blog.heritage.org/wp-content/uploads/2014_05_23_PastorSaeed_Bluey.jpg)
Urgent Petition: Defend Christians - Defeat ISIS. - Go to http://aclj.org/jihad/say-no-to-a-third-term-of-president-obamas-failed-foreign-policy?view=donFrmB&utm_expid=7567081-8.vdNbXkfzQUyJhpww3WXtYQ.1&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign= "..An estimated 76 percent of the world's population live in countries where religious freedom is restricted...
Continue to Pray for EGYPT - Continue to pray for the tense situation in Egypt and especially for the Christian believers who are being targeted with violence by Muslim Brotherhood members.
"THE LOST ART OF CHRISTIAN PERSUASION - OS GUINNESS’S 'FOOL’S TALK' " - By: John Stonestreet| Breakpoint.org: July 20, 2015;
http://www.breakpoint.org/bpcommentaries/entry/12/27826?spMailingID=11920303&spUserID=MTMyMjM2ODE5OQS2&spJobID=581407388&spReportId=NTgxNDA3Mzg4S0 [NOTE: This is a great follow-up to the article I posted LAST SUNDAY (7/19, #1251) that asked if "evangelism [is] on the wane?")
How do we communicate the Gospel in an increasingly anti-Gospel world? One of the leading Christian thinkers of our day has some ideas.
One of the great things about working for the Colson Center is that each summer we work with outstanding college interns. And our interns aren’t here doing filing and fetching coffee. When they show up, we put their developing skills to productive work: writing for our blog at BreakPoint.org, helping us with social media, and other ways that further our mission.
And one of our interns, Leah Hickman, who attends Hillsdale College, beat me to the punch on something I’ve been wanting to do on BreakPoint, and that’s review Os Guinness’s new book: “Fool’s Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion.”
In her review at BreakPoint.org, Leah hits on something I think that all of us feel or think with a growing frequency these days. And that’s frustration: Frustration about our inability to communicate the truth and the beauty of the Gospel in this increasingly anti-Christian culture.
“I hardly know how to approach apologetics and evangelism anymore,” Leah writes. “No one seems to really care about truth . . . and how can you explain the truth of God’s Word with people who think that everything” is a matter of opinion? Leah identifies a fear that many of us have: “[H]ow do you tell someone that their beliefs are wrong and that they need Jesus without offending them or scaring them off? And what if I’m an ineffective debater and can’t win the arguments? They’ll never come to Christ that way. It will only drive them away.”
Well, happily for Leah, and for us, Os Guinness has written “Fool’s Talk” specifically to address these issues and to help us recapture what he calls the art of Christian persuasion. Guinness makes it clear from the start his book is not about technique; it’s not a step-by-step guide on “apologetics for dummies.” As he asserts, there is no “surefire, foolproof approach to sharing the faith.”
Instead, Guinness offers us an approach that’s based on and flows from a thoroughly Christian worldview. He writes, “True to the biblical understanding of creation, Christian persuasion must always take account of the human capacity for reason and the primacy of the human heart.” Because of the fall, “Christian persuasion must always take account of the anatomy of an unbelieving mind in its denial of God.”
And because of the incarnation, “Christian persuasion always has to be primarily person-to-person and face-to-face, and not argument to argument . . . media to media or methodology to methodology. “And true to the Holy Spirit, Christian persuasion must always know and show that the decisive power is not ours but God’s.”
Guinness also wants us to understand that the Scriptures themselves use a variety of means to communicate truth—and so should we. “The Bible has a high place,” he writes, “for rational arguments as well as for stories, drama, parables, and poetry. The Bible contains the book of Romans as well as the psalms of David and the parables of Jesus.”
Throughout the book, Guinness illustrates how the great persuaders reached their audience: From Jesus, to Socrates, to Augustine, and of course Lewis and Chesterton. But he is also unafraid to use great atheist persuaders as examples, like Nietzsche and even Norman Mailer.
Now, this is not a book you’ll be able to absorb in one sitting. It’s a book that demands prayerful attention. But it’s also a book that can ease frustrations about communicating the Gospel. That’s because, as Guinness reminds us, in the end, Christian persuasion is “not for salesmen, propagandists . . . spin doctors . . . and the like.” The art of Christian persuasion “is for those who desire to share the way of Jesus because of their love for Jesus, and who know that love is also a key part of any human being’s search for knowledge and truth.”
[bold, italics, and colored emphasis mine]
Fool’s Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion - Os Guinness | IVP Books | July 2015;http://www.colsoncenterstore.org/product.asp?sku=9780830836994
"People, Not Playdough: A Fresh Perspective on Apologetics from Os Guinness" - Leah Hickman | BreakPoint Blog | July 6, 2015;http://www.breakpoint.org/features-columns/articles/entry/12/27751
The Allure of Gentleness: Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus - Dallas Willard | HarperOne | February 2015; http://www.colsoncenterstore.org/product.asp?sku=9780062114082
Thanks for the recommendation! Another book I've read recently that was very helpful is called Tactics, by a guy named Koukl (sp?) He talks about the need to ask engaging questions in order to gain an audience, understand where the other person is coming from, and then to lead them into questioning their own position. I don't agree with everything he says, but it's definitely worth a read.