ACTION NEEDED: Senate Bill BILL 1881 to Defund Planned Parenthood. The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote NEXT MONDAY on a bill to FINALLY defund Planned Parenthood of the over $500 million they continue to receive each year in tax payer dollars. With a growing majority of Americans opposed to such funding as well as the very idea of abortion on demand, this is something that should have been done a LONG time ago. PLEASE TIME TODAY TO CALL YOUR SENATOR AND ENCOURAGE HIM/HER TO VOTE TO DEFUND! The main U.S. Congress switchboard is at 202-224-3121. Or email your Senator at (name) THANK YOU.
"McConnell Pledges to Hold Vote Next Week on Ending Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood" - Kelsey Harkness / @kelseyjharkness / July 29, 2015;
PRAYER MATTERS:"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world." - Karl Barth; "Prayer is inviting God into a seemingly impossible situation and asking Him to accomplish His perfect and loving will." - Stan
PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS: Let's be praying that the Congress and the the President will find a way to pass legislation and enact policies that will benefit America today and future generations and NOT do any lasting harm.
ABORTION AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Dear friend, As I was praying for the over 3,000 women every day who have scheduled appointments to abort their unborn child (as I do each morning), God encouraged me that possibly through this latest PP scandal many women are giving second thoughts to abortion. Hopefully the scandal (like the revelation of partial birth abortions 12 years ago) will serve to educate more people that abortion is not about discarding unwanted tissue but of destroying live human beings. Hopefully, it will be the cause of fewer and fewer considering abortion as a choice! Let's be praying that is already happening! - Stan]
S.C. Decision on Homosexual Marriage– NOTE: I cannot stress enough how we all need to be praying that the Church – ie, the individual believer and the institution itself - will respond appropriately and effectively. Despite what the mainstream media is reporting, the debate is NOT over! (42 years after the SC legalized abortion, that debate is also FAR from over!) The Court ruled wrongly BUT they do NOT speak the FINAL word; God’s Word (and GOD) does – and always will. Isaiah 40:8; Phil. 4:5-6.
"'We Can't Forget' Pastor Saeed's 1,000 Days in Prison" - By Abigail Robertson, June 24, 2015,
"Pastor Saeed Abedini has been imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith for 1,000 days, June 23... 'We cannot move forward with an Iranian nuclear deal while Pastor Saeed sits in prison as well as three other Americans,' he said. Mahoney also called upon Christians around the world to come together in prayer.
'Pray for Saeed and his family, pray for safety for our brothers and sisters around the world, and also pray for our elected officials and President Obama that they would not be silent, ' Mahoney urged. 'We believe that as Christians pray around the world, we can see Pastor Saeed's release.' "
"DON'T LEAVE AMERICAN PASTOR SAEED BEHIND " - (5/2) - The Obama administration has stated that they would veto any Congressional action to tie the proposed nuclear deal with Pastor Saeed's release! (4/1/) - A nuclear deal with Iran could come at any time, any hour, any day. But will American Pastor Saeed be freed? His health is worsening. He continues to suffer grave threats in an Iranian prison where torture and executions are commonplace. President Obama assured Pastor Saeed’s wife that freedom for this wrongfully imprisoned U.S. citizen would be a “top priority.” Now is a critical time to continue to pressure the Obama Administration to not leave Pastor Saeed behind and urge Iran to show goodwill. Pastor Saeed is imprisoned merely because he is a Christian. He deserves to be home with his family. We continue fighting for his freedom – working in Congress, with the State Department, and with leaders across the globe. We must not forget Pastor Saeed. Sign the Petition: "Don’t Leave American Pastor Saeed Behind".;
![Pastor Saeed Abedini (Photo: CitizenGo via Twitter)](
Urgent Petition: Defend Christians - Defeat ISIS. - Go to "..An estimated 76 percent of the world's population live in countries where religious freedom is restricted...
"CECILE VERSUS CECIL: One is the World’s Top Predator, The Other is a Lion" -RYAN BOMBERGER, JUL 30, 2015
Society has a funny way of deciding when to express outrage. Millions of innocent humans (aka pregnancy tissue) are slaughtered and their fully intact body parts are sold. [Near media blackout.] A single lion, which most have never heard of, gets hunted for sport. International drama.
I despise the thought of big game hunting, but it never ceases to amaze me how rhetorically violent animal rights activists become when these creatures are harmed or killed.
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has called for the hunter involved, Dr. Walter Palmer, to be hanged. The puppy-killing, celebrity-studded, publicity-stunt-centered organization epitomizes the insanely hypocritical, progressive approach. The death threats through Yelp and Twitter are repugnant, but unsurprising given their disdain for human life.
Celebrities have tweeted their utter disgust for the wealthy dentist. Debra Messing (Will & Grace, Mysteries of Laura) says: “I want them to take his citizenship away.” Sharon Osbourne hopes that “#WalterPalmer loses his home, his practice & his money. He has already lost his soul…#WalterPalmer is Satan.” Piers Morgan, proving that being a news journalist was never his forte, tweets: “I’d love to go hunting for killer dentist Dr. Walter Palmer, so I can stuff and mount him for MY office wall.” Jimmy Kimmel even nearly melted down talking about it on his show, having to pull himself together to make it through the segment.
Oh, and look…the Obama administration is now offering its help into the investigation of Palmer’s hunting escapade. According to The Hill: “The Service is deeply concerned about the recent killing of Cecil the Lion.” Wow. That was quick.
!["Planned Parenthood Wants Your Baby Dead." by The Radiance Foundation](
Planned Parenthood’s baby-parts-trafficking elicits nothing but support from the Obama administration. But kill a lion halfway across the world, in a nation riddled with grotesque human rights abuses, and the administration is on it! (Well, on the abuses to lions, not to Zimbabweans). Cecil the Lion’s death warrants outrage from the political left, but their darling abortion mogul–Cecile The Lyin’–can do no act heinous enough (like selling “unwanted” babies’ wanted organs), no Medicaid fraud egregious enough, no teen sex education misleading enough to stir a moment of discomfort for liberals.
Cecile Richards (aka Cecile The Lyin’) continues to con the American public on national television, slander the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and those who’ve done the investigative work that mainstream media is supposed to do, lie about Planned Parenthood providing “basic healthcare”, and deny that aborted babies’ organs are being sold by her billion-dollar abortion empire. She complains about what is an inherent part of news: heavy editing.
There is no news brought to the American public that isn’t “heavily edited”. CMP, unlike the news media, has provided the entire footage of each investigation. I tried requesting that of NPR (aka National Pro-Choice Radio) in my debate with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, and they weren’t having it.
!["Endangered Species" by The Radiance Foundation](
When The Radiance Foundation originally launched the billboard/social media campaign [see above], we highlighted the hypocrisy of progressives. They tend to melt down when animals are threatened, yet feel threatened by the very existence of human beings, especially the unborn.
The same year one branch of the federal government conjured up a Constitutional right to kill a certain group of humans, for any reason and throughout the entire pregnancy…another branch of government passed a bill to protect life…animal life. In 1973, the Supreme Court authorized human killing through Roe and Doe while Congress made it illegal (punishable by fines and imprisonment) to harm or kill certain animals through the Endangered Species Act. We can kill our own, but hell will break loose if we kill any other creature.
This is why our first billboards illuminated that tragic hypocrisy: Black Children Are An Endangered Species… And the outrage, from progressives, was over the use of the word ‘species’, not the violence and injustice of abortion. Instead of feeling foolish because they didn’t know the definition of the word, they railed against a black man calling black children (now aborted at 5 times the rate of the majority population) an “endangered species”. We are, after all, the human species.
Cecil the Lion’s death reveals how our society will get all worked up over cuddly little animals or majestic beasts lured out of their sanctuaries, but yawn when the sanctuary of the womb becomes a killing field over 3,000 times a day. Actor and comedian Ricky Gervais laments the feline’s demise on Twitter with a photo of Cecil and these words: “I’m struggling to imagine anything more beautiful than this.”
Uh, how about a human being? How about the most defenseless and most precious resource we have? Out of the 57 million slaughtered since Roe, millions would have grown up to simultaneously value the lives of animals and humans. Famed anthropologist, Jane Goodall, hoped that Cecil the Lion’s death would have people’s “eyes opened to the dark side of human nature.”
Sadly, like many other animal rights activists, her love for other species doesn’t apply to our own, revealing a disturbing dark side that demonizes humankind. “It’s our population growth that underlies just about every single one of the problems that we’ve inflicted on the planet. If there were just a few of us, then the nasty things we do wouldn’t really matter and Mother Nature would take care of it — but there are so many of us,” laments Goodall, an official patron of the radical pro-abortion, pro-population-control organization, Population Matters.
What Dr. Palmer did was disgusting. The willful ignoring of the destruction and trafficking of aborted babies’ parts is far worse. What Big Abortion does, every single day, is beyond reprehensible. Humanity deserves more outrage when it is callously exploited, destroyed, and sold for its internal organs. Whether it’s jars of severed feet in Gosnell’s office or a $583k annual salary for Cecile The Lyin’, the slaughter of human lives should never be a trophy.
[bold, italics, and colored emphasis mine]
SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must Investigate Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Parts
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