Saturday, August 15, 2015


"First Shock, then Winning Hearts - STEWARDING THE PLANNED PARENTHOOD REVELATIONS"By: John Stonestreet| August 13, 2015; [NOTE: 1) You'll note that on this blog site, I've been asking you to join me in praying that the recent revelations about Planned Parenthood will lead to many people FINALY understanding the horror of abortion and choosing against it. Let's continue to pray for many lives to be saved as the TRUTH of abortion is revealed. And 2)  Almost 20 years ago, I considered joining a pro-life group that the pro-life apologist mentioned below, Scott Klusendorf, had just joined. I'm excited to learn that he is still going strong in equipping college students to stand for life. I only wish I were now able to assist in such efforts. - Stan]
The content of these Planned Parenthood videos is difficult to take in, but they are a great opportunity for advancing the truth. I’ll point you to two people who can help us.

Everyone’s talking about the secret videos exposing the callous brutality of Planned Parenthood. Okay, not everyone—with a few exceptions, there’s been a virtual blackout from many of our primary media outlets. But for the rest of us, the videos represent a watershed moment in the long struggle to defend the dignity of unborn human life. People are beginning to see this hidden evil for what it is. Thank God—and the brave, determined folks at the Center for Medical Progress.

But it’s not just the media’s job to fight this evil. It’s all of ours too. So how can we take advantage of this pivotal cultural moment so that people will not only grasp the horror of abortion, but become our allies in the battle for life?

This past weekend on “BreakPoint This Week,” I spoke with two pro-life stalwarts on that very topic. Come to to tune in. My first guest: Mollie Hemingway, blogger and journalist extraordinaire for The Federalist website.Mollie agreed with me that these videos have the potential to move those folks who are in the “mushy middle” on this issue over to the side of life, just as the gruesome murder of Emmett Till did so for the civil rights movement in the 1950s. She also reminded me how the great Frederick Douglass understood the importance of telling stories about the violence, brutality, and dehumanization of slavery in order to change people’s minds—and certainly these videos are telling the all-too true story about the abortion industry, as well.

Mollie also concisely debunked several misleading counter-arguments from Planned Parenthood and their media allies. For example, the videos clearly demonstrate Planned Parenthood is violating federal law by altering abortion procedures to preserve fetal organs, and is selling fetal body parts, and is making a profit from them, and how they even refer to the aborted babies as “babies”! You simply must follow Mollie’s work, especially on this story.

My other guest on “BreakPoint This Week” was my good friend Scott Klusendorf, founder and president of Life Training Institute. Scott equips everyday believers like you and me how to argue for life without being argumentative. And in the interview, that’s exactly what Scott did. For example, we often hear, even from Christians, that Planned Parenthood does so much good in the realm of “women’s healthcare” that we simply have to accept that abortion comes with the territory. Scott’s reply: “If the KKK started giving free medical care to poor women, we would not think it a benevolent organization. Good deeds do not atone for bad ones, and less than five percent of its client services to pregnant women … don’t involve killing their unborn children.”

But as Scott said, debunking Planned Parenthood’s lies isn’t the ultimate goal. We need to begin changing people’s feelings, thinking, and behavior toward a positive apologetic for life as well, helping them get past their “worldview blockages and personal experiences (that) prevent them from considering the [truth].”

Scott has been testing an approach to get past these “blockages” with college students that involves two simple premises: (1) It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being; and (2) Abortion kills an innocent human being.

To present that second premise, Scott uses the SLED acronym, which stands for: Size, Level of development, Environment, and degree of Dependency. “If it’s wrong to kill people based on skin color or gender,” he asks, “why is it okay to hurt them based on their size, level of development, or degree of dependency?”

These videos that show the horrors of Planned Parenthood and abortion are an opportunity for Christians to help stop a grave evil and promote the good of intrinsic human value. In this regard, we all have work to do. So please come to and listen to my “BreakPoint This Week” interview with Scott Klusendorf and Mollie Hemingway.

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

FURTHER READING AND INFORMATIONListen to John's interview with Mollie Hemingway and Scott Klusendorf on BreakPoint This Week - Take advantage of the opportunity these videos provide to change hearts and minds on this issue.
"BreakPoint This Week: No Hiding from the Truth"John Stonestreet | | August 7, 2015;
    "...This devastating undercover video series has brought Planned Parenthood and the question of abortion’s morality back to the forefront of Americans’ minds. And we'll need such real and human stories if we hope to trandform the heart of our culture...But even now, some Christians may prefer to preach the good news and convert souls, rather than write yet another chapter in the long and harrowing culture wars. To them, Klusendorf says this isn’t about politics or pushing our moral agenda on others. It’s about obeying Jesus. In the Great Commission, in the same breath with which he commands us to preach the Gospel, Christ told Christians to teach all nations to “obey everything I have commanded.” That’s why the shedding of innocent blood in America must stop. And more than any moment in decades, this moment promises progress. We must not squander it. 

"The 7 Most Important Takeaways From The 5th Planned Parenthood Exposé"
Mollie Hemingway | The Federalist | August 5, 2015;
Life Training Institute -
"Human Capital - Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site"The Center for Medical Progress | YouTube video -
Center for Medical Progress -

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