Tuesday, September 27, 2016

#1772 (9/27) "Bernie Clinton"

ATTENTIONPlease SCROLL DOWN this page to find the article titled on this post in LARGE BRIGHT BLUE CAPITAL LETTERS. Thank you.)
My Greatest Concern is to be on God's Side
URGENTA Christian Mother's Mandatory Death Penalty Could Be Overturned. PRAY and Sign the Petition Now- https://aclj.org/persecuted-church/save-christian-mom-asia-bibi-from-execution? Asia Bibi was convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to execution by hanging.She has been languishing on death row nearly 6 years - separated from her husband and five kids all because of her Christian faith. Now, after more than 2,100 excruciating days, Pakistan's Supreme Court has just granted her an early review of her final appeal.This is a monumental moment in her case. In just weeks, the court could release her or have her hanged. She would be the first woman executed under Pakistan's brutal blasphemy law.The American Center for Law and Justice has been aggressively advocating for her freedom for years - including through our office on the ground in Pakistan. But now is the time for urgent action. The ACLJ is stepping up their vigorous legal advocacy campaign across the globe for her freedom. It is imperative that each of us be heard. Don't let them execute Christian mom Asia Bibi!; SIGN the petition and PRAY for this court decision!

MILITARY TRANSGENDER POLICY: Contact Armed Services Chairmen McCain (committee number: 202-224-3871; office number: 202-224-2235) and  Rep. Thornberry (committee number: 202-225-4151; office number: 202-225-3706) and ask them to put the  brakes on the National Defense Authorization Act conference report until military transgenderism is addressed. America's safety depends on it."

"PROTECT LOCAL SCHOOLS from Federal Overreach into Kids' Restrooms"/ Contact your local school:  - http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=AL16H05&f=AL16H05##FORM

SIGN THE PETITION: Encourage Congress to STOP THE HARVESTING OF ABORTED BABIES (see story in post ##1581) - http://aclj.org/pro-life/stop-planned-parenthood-from-harvesting-and-selling-babies-organs?

Coming In October: "Voiceless.Talk to your pastor about this movie that challenges those who consider themselves pro-life Christians to be more involved more in the effort to rescue the unborn. Go to http://joinvoiceless.com and share it with others. 

YOUR Vote Is Important This Coming November. Check out the following site with answers to your questions of …Why should I vote? How to register to vote? What [more] can I do?http://www.commit2vote2016.com/

BE Prepared TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST ABORTION (...because ALL Babies Matter!): Go to: LIFE Training Institute - http://prolifetraining.com/resources/five-minute-11/  
Be Prepared TO ENGAGE WITH THE PC CULTURE: Go to:"Tactics" -
http://townhall.com/columnists/mikeadams/2016/04/29/tactics-n2154983;"Asking Questions"- 


PRAYER MATTERS:"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world." - Karl Barth; "Prayer is inviting God into a seemingly impossible situation and trusting/resting in His love and grace to accomplish His perfect will." - Stan 

PRAY FOR AMERICA: THANK GOD for His many blessings on America throughout it's history. May we then ask that AMERICA once again be a blessing TO GOD, by once again submitting to HIS will in our affairs - both personal and national - that He may truly "heal our land." (2 Chron. 7:14) Short of that, we should not be saying "God Bless America"but instead "God be merciful towards America!" Rev. Franklin Graham: "I do know that the president defends Islam and chastises Christians, rebukes our allies and befriends our enemies, and fully supports gay marriages and abortion but denies the religious freedoms of those who don't agree. Our nation is ridiculed abroad and morally crumbling within. We are in trouble. We have turned our back on God."

PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS Let's be praying that they might be Spirit-filled, leading us with Godly wisdom and integrity; that they will  only pass legislation and enact policies that will benefit Americans today as well as future generations and NOT do any lasting harm.
Pray DAILY, esp. beginning Sept. 30, which is the start of 40 days until our NATIONAL ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBER. Pray that Americans will elect leaders at the state (Governors, state legislators) and national (Congress and President) levels who have Spirit-filled wisdom, integrity, and a Biblical world-view, who will know and do what is best for us today as well as for future generations.

9/14 - MY PERSONAL UPDATE: Please scroll down to  JOURNAL entry on right side of this blog page for my LATEST news. Job Search Update: THANKS for your continued prayers (and any job leads you might have) as I continue to fill out applications. PRAISE: While I didn’t get the position I interviewed for last week, my name was passed on to other managers and I am hopeful to be called in for another interview within the next few weeks.

World-Wide Prayer Requests:

Learn about Christian Persecution; Check out the World Watch List:

PRAY for the ON-GOING crisis now happening in IRAQ/SYRIA Pray that coalition forces will be able to destroy the leadership and infrastructure of ISIS.

"Why It's Becoming More Difficult to Be a Christian in INDIA" 03-03-2016;


"BERNIE CLINTON" - Stephen Moore |Sep 27, 2016; http://townhall.com/columnists/stephenmoore/2016/09/27/bernie-clinton-n2223911
Bernie Clinton
Someone might want to inform Hillary Clinton that greed and envy are two of the seven deadly sins.
Her new revised tax plan would raise the estate tax to as high as 65 percent -- up from 40 percent, where it is today. She would also apply this hated death tax to as many as twice as many estates.
It's one of her dumbest ideas yet -- and that is saying a lot. It won't raise any revenue to speak of. It's a bow-tied gift to estate-tax lawyers and accountants. Many studies have found that the cost to the economy of taxing a lifetime of savings more than outweighs any benefits. It actually could end up costing the Treasury money by reducing investment in family businesses, which are a major engine of growth for our economy.
But Clinton wants to take us back to the 1970s. According to a Wall Street Journal analysis, the plan would impose a 50 percent rate to estates over $10 million a person, a 55 percent rate to estates over $50 million a person, and the top rate of 65 percent to estates exceeding $500 million in assets for a single person or $1 billion for a married couple.
What Clinton doesn't get is this: Anyone who's smart enough to make half a billion dollars is smart enough to find a way to dodge this confiscatory tax. That's the whole history of the death tax: The very rich never pay it.
 So why this act of desperation from Clinton? The answer is fairly obvious. She's sinking in the polls. She's terrified of losing the Bernie Sanders voters by not being tough enough on the superrich. So she's adopted the Sanders tax policy. Sanders has said there's nothing wrong with taking more and more money from people in the top 0.3 percent of incomes.
Clinton: Is a 70 or 80 percent income tax next? This might win over even more Sanders supporters.
I'm not going to explain again the economic argument against the death tax. I'm going to make an ethical and moral argument. Who in her right mind thinks that it's appropriate in America for the government to take two-thirds of someone's lifetime earnings? A billionaire has already paid millions and millions of dollars in taxes over the course of his life. Why is the government the rightful owner of one's legacy -- the sweat and equity and 60-hour workweeks spent building a business -- and not that person's family members?
The origins of the death tax come from the Communist Manifesto. This tax was touted by Karl Marx as one of the strategies to secure government ownership of assets. Think about it: With a 50 percent death tax, over time the government will own 50 percent of the nation's assets. With a 100 percent estate tax -- and Clinton's proposal isn't far from that -- the government eventually owns... everything.
This is a big issue, because over the next 25 years or so, tens of trillions of dollars in assets will be transferred from aging baby boomers to their kids and grandkids. The left wants to get its greedy hands on that treasure chest of money. Every American should resist this power grab by the avaricious political class. They are the real robber barons, worshiping money above all else.
If Clinton were to win and adopt this death-tax policy, the small-business model in America would largely disappear. Why build a legacy if you cannot pass it on? Donald Trump should insist that it is your right as an American to leave your worldly possessions to your children.
Trump would eliminate the death tax. He understands that the proper role of government is to facilitate wealth creation, not to destroy it.
Clinton's campaign justified this new confiscation tax by saying that only a few hundred people every year would pay it. That misses the point. An unjust law is unjust whether it applies to 200 people or 2 million people. Americans understand this principal of basic fairness better than the Yale-educated Clinton does. They don't buy into the politics of greed and envy. That's why two-thirds of voters favor eliminating the tax, not doubling down on it.

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

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