ATTENTION: SCROLL DOWN to get TODAY'S article entitled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. PLEASE be sure to note the various PRAYER REQUESTS listed BEFORE and AFTER the posted article. (NOTE the of DAILY prayer requests for the persecuted church.) They ALL deserve your intercession.
*Pray for U.S. Pastor David Lin in China (see "Something Serious Is Happening In That Dark Place" - Tony Perkins, Washington Watch, April 09, 2019;
*Pray for Leah Sharibu is a courageous Nigerian Christian teen girl held captive by Boko Haram. The Islamic militia is threatening to kill or enslave her because she won't renounce Jesus Christ. Pray that the UN will intervene in her release. [2/13/19 – This day marked ONE YEAR since her kidnapping.
PERSONAL UPDATE: 12/9 Note my latest entry in the JOURNAL section on the right side of this page.
1/1 - PRAY for the President and others in leadership (1 Tim. 2:1-3)
Heavenly Father,
I pray that you will guide President Trump to seek YOU with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength. May he act with wisdom and strength against those whose actions would bring harm to this nation and the world now and for generations to come. I pray that you would strengthen his marriage and deepen the love he and his wife Melania share. Pray that you give them wisdom to speak into the life of their son Barron. Please protect him and his family and others in our leadership from physical harm that any might seek to do against them. May all that our President does bring honor and glory to YOU and cause him to draw in closer relationship with you. I ask this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen. P.S. - I highly recommend your reading "The Faith of Donald J. Trump." The copy I read is in my public library. It really helps us understand our 45th President better.The above is a picture of the First Family on Mother's Day.
Can you believe how Barron has grown? Wow!
The following are the concluding New Year's remarks “In this season of joy, Americans have so much to be grateful for. We’re all blessed to live in the greatest country ever to exist on the face of the earth and we have made it greater than ever before. As long as we remain loyal to our nation, devoted to our citizens, and faithful to Almighty God, we know that the best is yet to come. God bless you, and God bless America.”
"For safety for President Trump as he travels to Texas today to inspect the 450 miles of border wall he oversaw during his administratioin.
"For safety and wisdom for U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers and agents as they work to protect the nation.
"For delivery and administration of the vaccine nationwide.
"For protection for those most vulnerable to the virus.
*For guidance for President Trump as he continues to oversee the federal component of the rollout and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine.
*For wisdom for President Trump as he continues to see to the duties of his office.
*For God’s truth to prevail and His will be accomplished.
*For healing and recovery for those who are ill and for an end to the COVID-19 outbreak.*For wisdom for the Coronavirus Task Force as they work to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
*For wisdom for the president and administration officials as they continue to lead in the midst of the pandemic and the ongoing economic impact that comes as a result.*For guidance for President Trump as he works on a variety of issues, that God’s will would be accomplished through him.
DECLARATION FOR LIFE: Please be sure to sign this at:
Be Prepared TO ENGAGE WITH THE PC CULTURE:Go to:"Tactics" -"Don't Argue the Exceptions - Beating Bad Arguments For Abortion and Transgenderism" - by John Stonestreet,, May 25, 2017;
"TRUMP'S AGENDA MUST SURVIVE HIS PRESIDENC Y" - David Limbaugh: Jan 08, 2021; [AS I SEE IT: I agree with this author that the attacks on President Trump in these final days of his presidency is not meant to only villify him. It is an attempt by the Left o prevent the agenda he pursued and the great accomplishments of his administration to also be villified and not replicated. We must not let that happen. Whatever we may think of the man, we must also champion the good things he achieved. - Stan]
Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci
I am saddened by what occurred at the nation's Capitol building on Wednesday. Such mob violence, especially against the nation's institutions of government, must be firmly and unequivocally condemned. For my entire lifetime, the Republican Party has been the party of law and order and has zealously honored the Constitution. We must and will continue to be. Most conservatives are rightly condemning the violence, but it should be noted that this is not typical of people on the right. We almost never behave this way, and we don't embrace it.
Extreme leftists routinely engage in violence. In the last year alone, we have seen widespread leftist violence and the Democratic leadership's total indifference to it. This is not to excuse the violence or engage in whataboutism; rather, we must recognize the Democrats' double standard and not enable the false narrative that this is who we are. We also need to determine whether, and the extent to which, antifa types were behind this.
There will be much chest-thumping from those who've long argued that President Donald Trump is evil personified and who say that he incited his supporters' violence. They'll say his supporters are just a violent mob waiting for their dear leader to instruct them so they can go ballistic, that Trump and his supporters are the ones who threaten the Constitution, not the tolerant, peaceful left -- you know, the left that jealously guards "our democracy."
These are the same leftists who never let a crisis go to waste, and they smell blood in the water now that some administration officials are resigning. They will go all out these next two weeks. But remember: As much as the left genuinely hates Trump, the endless assaults on him have never been primarily about him or his alleged threat to democracy but about thwarting his agenda. Yes, inveterate Trump haters loathe every molecule of his body, but they care far more about advancing their secular religion of political and cultural leftism, and anyone who gets in their way must be destroyed. Trump got in their way -- and so did his supporters, so, they, too, have to be demonized.
Have we been asleep the last four years? Have we not seen the slander of our entire movement as intrinsically racist? Have people audacious enough to wear MAGA hats or wave Trump flags not been vilified as vicious racists and haters? We won't stand for it. I recently wrote a column in which I urged Trump supporters not to become dispirited or give up the fight. I must reiterate, especially after Wednesday's events, that we must now be stronger than ever. The left still remains the greatest threat to our republican form of government, to capitalism, to prosperity, to law and order, to our national identity and to any hope of harmony among the American people, the last of which you can't possibly have as long as the left continues to paint 74 million people as hateful racists, sexists and homophobes.
Let's not forget what Trump has accomplished in office and how he has articulated and driven an agenda that has led to unprecedented (pre-COVID) prosperity. His successful policy prescriptions for America are as viable now as when he took office.
Though the left would love nothing more, Trump supporters are not going away. The same bill of complaints leading to Trump's ascension remains. Trump didn't arise in a vacuum, and the left's mission to fundamentally transform America that gave birth to Trump and Trumpism is not only alive and well but is even more dangerous now that Democrats have captured control of the two political branches of our government.
Of course the left wants to finally destroy Trump and prevent him from ever returning to the Oval Office. But it also intends to eviscerate the movement he began. It wants to send a signal that no one else better try to challenge its hegemony. It hopes to escalate this conflict and remove Trump with just two weeks remaining in his term -- not because it truly fears he'll do something crazy but to ensure that whatever damage he may have done to himself is amplified and contaminates his legacy and his entire movement.
What is at stake is the survival of the conservative agenda, and the rebuilding and expansion of the Republican Party. We can't afford to lose heart. We have an urgent responsibility to stay in the fight, to redouble our efforts to resist the left's destructive agenda and to continue to pursue America's greatness.
[italics and colored emphasis mine]
David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is "Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win." Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at
"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against
the disorder of the world. - Karl Barth
"Prayer is inviting God into a seemingly impossible situation and trusting/resting in His love and grace to accomplish His perfect will in His perfect time and for His greatest glory. Intercession is one of the great privileges AND responsibilities for EVERY believer."- Stan
“INTERCESSORS ARE THE RUDDER” – A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT - Wanda Alger, June 28th, 2017; was recently given a word by my good friend, Bill Yount. His word greatly encouraged me as an intercessor. Working for Intercessors for America, I soon realized it was not just a word for me, but for all who have been praying for our nation, wondering if their prayers are truly making any difference. Bill told me, “I kept seeing you as a small rudder on a huge ship. Hidden, but giving guidance. Although it seemed slow it was turning the whole ship. Patience was needed to see the impact of your…ministry. I sense the Lord saying, ‘Don’t jump ship! I’ve made you the rudder!’ ” I was immediately touched in my spirit by this encouragement, knowing that our seemingly small place in prayer was having a great impact.
James 3:4 talks about the power of a small rudder to steer a large ship. In this scripture about the power of our tongue, consider the power of prophetic intercession! In the Forerunner Commentary on this verse we read, “…rudders manipulate the course of immense ocean vessels with a slight movement of a pilot’s hand. Since it is underwater and aft, the rudder of a ship does its work UNSEEN. A passenger is ignorant of its movements most of the time. Yet, when it is in proper working order, the rudder holds more power over the ship than the wind. The wind will blow, toss, even destroy the ship’s rigging, but the rudder guides the ship exactly where it directs.”
This is God’s promise to the intercessors in this hour of national turbulence. Don’t stop praying! Your prayers have great power to turn the ship! Continue praying, interceding, and discerning the workings and movements of the Holy Spirit, being faithful to God’s commands. As we come together to declare God’s faithfulness, this nation will, once again, head in the direction that God intends. Don’t give up and don’t give in. Regardless of the winds of adversity and the fires of the enemy, God’s people have a power that cannot be matched. Let us join in faith and continue to pray and speak of God’s faithfulness in order to bring God’s people and this nation into the fullness of God’s plans. Note this additional encouragement from God’s word:
Colossians 2:15 – “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (ESV).
Psalm 33:8-11 – “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”
Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
PRAY FOR AMERICA: THANK GOD for His many blessings on America throughout it's history. May we then ask that AMERICA once again be a blessing TO GOD, by once again submitting to HIS will in our affairs - both personal and national - that He may truly "heal our land." (2 Chron. 7:14) Short of that, we should not be saying "God Bless America"but instead "God be merciful towards America!"
PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS: 1) Pray for President Trump and his advisers, that they would select Godly leaders at the federal level who will be accountable to do an excellent job (or be fired!) ; that he would seek God's wisdom and be enabled to lead our country effectively in the years ahead; and 2) Pray our leaders at every level of government will Spirit-filled, leading us with Godly wisdom and integrity; that they will only pass legislation and enact policies that will benefit Americans today as well as future generations and NOT do any lasting harm.
SUPREME COURT: PRAY that the justices will only hand down decisions that are Constitutionally sound and in the best interests of our country now and for future generations.
World-Wide Prayer Requests:
PRAISE GOD for the continuing recent successes against ISIS!
Praying Through the Open Doors World Watch List for persecuted believers:
Violated but not alone. Our partners in the Gulf region run an initiative called “Daughterhood,” which works to protect Christian women from brutal persecution like rape, molestation and humiliation. In this region, Christian women are particularly targeted by abuses and violence to force them to renounce their faith. Disturbingly, the persecution also sometimes includes the poisoning of pregnant women. Daughterhood also ministers to victims of these brutalities.
January 12 - Pray for God to have mercy as the Daughterhood teams fight for justice in the midst of these acts of brutality.
*Representative name or photo used to protect identity.
STANDING STRONG THROUGH THE STORM - At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them.- 2 Tim. 4:16
The Apostle Paul knew exactly what it was like to be alone, to be deserted by all who called themselves “brothers” and “sisters.” A former colleague who has done considerable travel among the persecuted says, “It is hard to believe that Christians are the largest persecuted group in the world today. But it is even more difficult to believe that this is so seldom mentioned in our gatherings and church services. More Christians know the names of their favorite actors than their fellow believers who are in prison.”
He continues, “With every trip something in my heart breaks as I hear the echoes of suffering:
I remember the echoes of an Egyptian mother as she shared how her young boy was stuck in a haystack because she refused to deny Jesus.
I remember the sounds of weeping as fellow students in Indonesia shared how Sariman, their co-student, was hacked to death.
I remember the cries of anguish as we walked from church to church that was burned to the ground on the island of Lombok.
I remember the tears of Rebecca in Iran as she showed the picture of her father who was stabbed to death for sharing the gospel.
I remember the voice of Pastor Daniel in Vietnam as he shared how he was chained to the ground for six months.
I remember the fear of Grace from Sudan as she shared how her church was attacked and her friend was shot through the head.
Oh, I remember the cries of Caleb in Eritrea as he shared with tears how two dear friends were executed in front of him because of their faith.
And I remember the tears of Joy in the southern Philippines as she shared how her fiancé was shot to death in their church in Mindanao.
But, most all, I remember the deafening sounds of silence every time I return home.
How can I be silent today? How can I not speak on behalf of those who suffer? How can I desert those that belong to the same body that I belong to and who desperately need the encouragement of my intervention?
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