Sunday, January 20, 2013

#417 (1/20) SUNDAY SPECIAL - TODAY Is ''Sanctity of Human Life Sunday''

 URGENT CALL FOR PRAYER AND ACTION: American Pastor Saeed Abedini (32; who had been helping underground Christian churches) will face a trial in Iran for his Christian faith in just days. After sustaining painful beatings in Iran's brutal Evin Prison, he has been told that he "will hang" for his "faith in Jesus." [On Monday, Jan. 14], for the first time, his Iranian attorney was able to see the charge brought against him. He will be tried by one of Iran's notorious "hanging judges," [possibly as soon as TOMORROW, Jan. 21st].While the U.S. State Department has stated it has "serious concerns" about the imprisonment of Pastor Saeed, an American citizen, it has yet to call for his release. The ACLJ is working aggressively for his freedom, urging Members of Congress, the State Department, and the United Nations to take action to secure this persecuted Pastor's freedom.  PRAY for the pastor's release and SIGN THE PETITION to save Pastor Saeed today. -

A SPECIAL NOTE: TODAY marks 2 days before the 40th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision that spearheaded the legalizaion of the abortion of the unborn in America. I am in the midst of a 40 day period of prayer and (limited) fasting to honor the memory of the over 55 million ! unborn that have been murdered and the tens of millions of their mothers, fathers, and siblings who have been victimized by this great American Holocaust. 

TODAY is ''Sanctity of  Human Life Sunday.'' How did YOUR church mark ths day?
REMINDER: Please  be sure to watch the special half-hour feature on the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision on today's ''Truth That Trasnforms'' broadcast. (In Central Florida, 5 pm, ch. 55.1; tomorrow (Mon.) 7 pm, ch. 52.2). OR watch it at (media)

PLEASE PRAY: 1.) For the girls/women each day contemplating an abortion; the abortionists and their staff; the crisis pregnancy centers seeking to serve the women facing unplanned pregnancies. 2)  For the passage of even more state laws that will effectively help to limit the number of abortions being performed. 3.)The defunding of Planned Parenthood that performs over 300,000 abortions (about 1/3 the toal) for profit and still receives almost 1/2 billion dollars in federal tax dollars. 4.) That one day America might finally pass a constitutional amendment promoting the Sanctity of Every Human Life - in effect oulawing both abortion and euthanasia. 5) For churches/Christians being pro-life- not just claiming to be but demonstrating it conclusively by their actiions.

"F.A.Q." - Confused and looking for answers? Find answers to some of the questions that are asked most frequently about abortion and regnancy at -  

"Restoring the Value of Life" - watch a great 5-min. video and sign a petition.

Check out video testimony, "Carrie's Story," who had abortion as a Christian college studentl.{D1FC2AAB-8D98-4E7B-9B35-3D736A7548B3}&refcd=140209

40 Years of Legalized Abortion
40 Years of Legalized Abortion — Is a Culture for Life Now Possible?, 

[Note: Below, you will read the story of how the pro-life movement has made great strides over the 40 years of Roe v. Wade. Not only do polls show that the majority of Americans now want limits on abortion, but even the liberal-learning Time magazine - in their cover story the other week - had to acknowledge the gains that have been made. We who are pro-life need to take encouragement but not lessen our efforts to make abortion a true rarity in America. (Note the excerpt from the second article noted afterward.) May our light continue to push back the darkness of the culture of death in America. - Stan]

Who could have known the devastating impact that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Roe v.  Wade and its companion case, Doe v. Bolton, would have on America 40 years down the road?  We stand today in the aftermath — over 54 million babies have never had the opportunity to pursue life in this nation founded on principles meant to protect their lives.

Who could have known that we would have millions in our communities, and even in our churches, who have been harmed physically, emotionally, and spiritually by abortion? Millions who have never received healing because they have been told by society that their pain is not real?  Many women were told, at the time of their decisions to abort, that they were not carrying a baby, but, instead, a blob of tissue that could easily be discarded in order for their lives to return to “normal.”  Now they know those were lies, but it is too late. The abortion industry has waged a war on women, children, and families with deception as its tool of choice.

What an awesome responsibility we have to intervene with truth, to pass on a legacy of life to the next generation so that, as Psalm 102:18b says, “a people yet unborn may praise the Lord” (rsv).
The generation that has lost one third of its siblings, classmates, and friends to abortion is leading the charge to expose the tactics of the abortion industry — heroines include Lila Rose, founder of Live Action, who, as a teen, began undercover, investigative journalism of the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.   Through Live Action’s work, we are learning of the corruption and lawlessness endemic to the business of killing unborn children.  Undercover videos have exposed racism, the cover up of sexual abuse, medical misinformation, and other examples of malfeasance at Planned Parenthood.

Charmaine Yoest, President of Americans United for Life (AUL), is exposing the abuse of taxpayer dollars to fund the abortion industry giant at the enormous price tag of one million dollars per day.  We have learned through AUL’s research that Planned Parenthood’s claim of “consistent quality patient care” is far from accurate.  Dangerous misuse of chemical abortions, misinformation on the risks inherent to late-term abortion, failure to protect minor girls from predators and traffickers, and reports of tragic deaths in its abortion clinics are all proof that Planned Parenthood does not protect those it claims to serve.

The story of former abortion clinic director Abby Johnson, and of other abortion clinic workers who have left the industry in disgust over the evil work performed behind clinic doors, add credence to ongoing investigations exposing the industry.

Through Operation Outcry and Silent No More, the voices of post-abortive women are reaching Congress and legal briefs, as “friends of the Court,” are convincing legislators and judges that abortion harms women. The fact is, 64 percent of women are coerced or forced to abort.  This flies in the face of the rhetoric of choice and gives credence to the claim that abortion is anti-woman.

Life heroes like David Bereit and Shawn Carney are leading 40 Days for Life campaigns to rally volunteers to pray in front of abortion clinics during a 40 day period, asking God to end abortion.  Prayer, fasting, and community outreach are saving literally thousands of babies, prompting abortion clinic workers to leave their jobs, and closing down abortion clinics — for good.

Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life, is preparing the next generation of pro-life leaders through high school and college campus outreaches — training efforts that have resulted in thousands of new recruits joining the battle for life.

Dr. Joe McIlhaney and Dr. Freda Bush of The Medical Institute for Sexual Health work tirelessly to insure that parents are equipped to speak candidly and truthfully with their children about sexual health, so they do not fall victim to the misinformation so prevalently taught in public school comprehensive sex education classes. Their work helps prevent teens from ever facing a decision to abort an unplanned pregnancy.

We are seeing the tide turn in favor of life. More Americans are listening to those who are telling the truth about this “industry of death.” Let’s pray the next 40 years will reveal a nation that honors God’s most precious gift — the gift of life!

[bold and italics emphasis mine]
''Remain at Your Posts - Roe v. Wade 40 Years Later''; by: John Stonestreet,;  January 18, 2013
[NOTE - This is a good commentary that, while noting pro-life advances over the years (as does the above article), it makes the following cautionary statement that I think we need to keep in mind. - Stan]
"...We haven’t won the culture just because people don’t “like” abortion. We’ve only won when it’s considered morally wrong. So wrong, in fact, that it’s intolerable in any case, like slavery. As long as killing of children in the womb is still the law of our land we cannot afford to stop talking about it, defending the pro-life position, aiding those found in unplanned pregnancies, and counseling those dealing with past abortions.''

1 comment:

  1. Stan thanks for your passion for the Sanctity of Human Life and reminding us all!
