Same -Sex "Marriage"- PLEASE PRAY WITH ME (every day untill the decision is revealed sometime in June) THAT THE SUPREME COURT WILL VOTE TO UPHOLD THE 2 LAWS REVIEWED SUPPORTING A TRADITIONAL DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.. PRAY that the Court will resist any pressure to MAKE new law based on "cultural trends." PRAY as though the very future of the institution of the family is at stake because it is. PRAY for the sake of possibly millions of children, and for our country if it is to continue to be shown any more favor by our Heavenly Father, who I promise you will be very displeased if homosexual marriage is legalized; "GOD IS NOT [TO BE] MOCKED..." - (Gal. 6:7) - Stan [Be sure to check out my brief essay at post #478.]
American Pastor Saeed Held Prisoner in Iran - June 5th Update - "Saeed's Wife Uses UN Speech to 'Plant Gospel'," by George Thomas, CBN News Sr. Reporter, June 05, 2013,"Prayers from Prison: American Pastor Held in Iran Releases Letter," May 22, 2013;"...Abedini has been held at the brutal prison for 238 days, enduring long stints in solitary confinement, and, according to his supporters, beatings and torture at the hands of his jailers and fellow inmates. For months, he has been suffering from serious injuries, including internal bleeding from beatings with no proper medical attention, according to his family and attorneys."(Sources: Fox News, Assemblies of God website) Please PRAY:1) For the imprisoned Pastor Abedini, and for those Iranians who tend to his needs in prison to treat him more humanely. 2) For his family in Boise, Idaho. and their efforts to involve the U.S. State Department in securing Pastor Abedini’s release. And 3) For the impact of his witness upon believers and non-believers, in America and across the world. And if you have not yet, join the over 600,000 worldwide who have signed the petition asking for his release at
[June 17 NOTE: With the national elections now over, PRAY that God would move the national govenment to finally release Pastor Seed (along with other unjustly held prisoners) as they tend to do as post-elections signs of good fatih.- Stan]
"Prayer Alert: Pastor Irani Imprisoned with Saeed,"; Friday, June 14, 2013 According to Truth Ministries, Pastor Saeed Abedini is not alone in Iran's infamous Evin Prison. Officials say Benham Irani has been in jail longer than Pastor Saeed and is also in need of urgent prayer. Irani was convicted for committing crimes against Iran's national security after holding house church services and leading many Iranian Muslims to Christ. He was arrested and tried twice: first in December 2006 and again April 2010. Now Truth Ministries reports that "in the past year he has been beaten by prisoners under the watchful eye of prison authorities. As a result he is beginning to lose his eyesight, has what seems to be untreated Inflammatory Bowel Disease, is barely able to speak and has trouble walking." He's also suffering from internal bleeding and a painful skin condition. PRAY for Pastor Irani to be healed AND to be released very soon To find out how you can help Pastor Abedini, please sign the petition at :
[NOTE: TODAY is my birthday. If you've followed this blog for at the past year, you know that I've decided not to celebrate my BIRTHday but my GENday, which is 3 months from today. HOWEVER, the issue of abortion and the continued senseless destruction of "unwanted" unborn in our country moves me as no other issue today. If YOU want to wish me a "Happy Birthday," then I ask you to do it by reading the following article and then clicking on the link at the end that which will help to very simply send an email to YOUR representatives asking for the needed action. I would be very blessed if you would do that. Thank you. -Stan]
"Coming to a Vending Machine near You? - The Morning-After Pill," By: Eric Metaxas : June 18, 2013
I seldom get hot under the collar on the air. But a recent decision by the Obama administration has got my dander up. ..Last week, the President threw America's parents and their daughters under a bus. And I'm hopping mad about it—and not just because I have a young daughter of my own.
First, a little history: In 2011, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius overruled the Food and Drug Administration's request to make the “Plan B One-Step” drug available to all women and girls without a prescription, no matter their age. Plan B is a so-called emergency contraception drug that its maker admits could “inhibit implantation” of a fertilized egg in the womb. Sebelius agreed with the decision to distribute the drug—but insisted girls must be at least fifteen to purchase Plan B One-Step.
Well, that proved too much for federal judge Edward Korman (who is a Reagan appointee, by the way). In a decision that dripped with contempt for those concerned about the impact of the drug on young girls, Korman removed ALL age restrictions on the sale of the drug. He claimed they were “politically motivated” and “scientifically unjustified.” And to add insult to what will surely be many injuries to America's daughters, the Obama administration has just announced that it will not appeal the judge’s ruling.
Now, if you’re like me, you were somewhere between depressed and outraged in hearing this. My 14-year-old daughter can’t go on a field trip without my permission, but soon she'll be able to legally buy the morning-after pill without my knowing anything about it. Even 11- and 12-year-old girls will be able to pick up Plan B along with their candy bars and lip gloss at the neighborhood drug store.
What's next? Selling abortion drugs in junior high vending machines? (“No way!” you say? Well, they’re already in college vending machines. But maybe I'd better not give them any ideas.)
Even President Obama, the most abortion-minded president we've ever had, said that there ought to be an age limit on this Plan B. As he noted in 2011, the reason Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius insisted on an age limit was because “she could not be confident that a 10-year-old or an 11-year-old going to a drugstore should be able . . . to buy a medication that potentially, if not used properly, could have an adverse effect.”
But if the President knows this drug is potentially dangerous, why did he abandon the fight to protect our daughters? Frankly, I've known ten-year-olds who haven't mastered the art of putting the lid back on a tube of toothpaste. And yet Judge Korman and President Obama are going to trust these kids to carefully read the instructions on a potentially dangerous drug, and take it properly? Are they kidding?
Plan B will have another destructive impact—and this, too, will harm our daughters. By law, children and younger teenagers cannot consent to sex; if they’re pregnant, it's a case of statutory rape—or worse, violent rape. Making Plan B available to young girls gives sexual predators another way to hide what they’ve done from their victims’ parents and doctors—and the police.
The sad reality is that even if there were an age restriction, teens would do what they already do with the purchase of alcohol: Get somebody older to buy the drugs for them. But we ought to be angry at what an arrogant federal government is teaching our kids. The law is a moral teacher, and it's teaching kids that parents are irrelevant.
You and I live in a time when government is actively undermining the family. We need to fight back. Congress can pass a law insisting that no child under eighteen be allowed access to this drug, and that it be sold only with a doctor's prescription. Please urge your congressman to sponsor a bill to get this done.
But there’s other work to do, and John Stonestreet will talk about that tomorrow on BreakPoint.
Coming to a Vending Machine near You? - The Morning-after Pill: Next Steps
Do you feel like fighting back when the government undermines our families, especially our daughters? Eric tells us we should press for a law which would deny the sale of this drug to anyone under age eighteen and require a prescription for others. You can influence your congressional representative, but to do that you must be active on this issue.
Call or write the office of your representative in the House or Senate (or both). We are providing a link to help you do that (below) with assistance from our sister ministry, Justice Fellowship.
Emergency Contraception Can End the Life of a Unique Human Being - William Saunders | | May 9, 2013
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