Same -Sex "Marriage"- PLEASE PRAY WITH ME (every day untill the decision is revealed sometime THIS month.) THAT THE SUPREME COURT WILL VOTE TO UPHOLD THE 2 LAWS REVIEWED SUPPORTING A TRADITIONAL DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.. PRAY that the Court will resist any pressure to MAKE new law based on "cultural trends." PRAY as though the very future of the institution of the family is at stake because it is. PRAY for the sake of possibly millions of children, and for our country if it is to continue to be shown any more favor by our Heavenly Father, who I promise you will be very displeased if homosexual marriage is legalized; "GOD IS NOT [TO BE] MOCKED..." - (Gal. 6:7) - Stan [Be sure to check out my brief essay at post #478.]
American Pastor Saeed Held Prisoner in Iran - June 5th Update - "Saeed's Wife Uses UN Speech to 'Plant Gospel'," by George Thomas, CBN News Sr. Reporter, June 05, 2013,"Prayers from Prison: American Pastor Held in Iran Releases Letter," May 22, 2013;"...Abedini has been held at the brutal prison for 238 days, enduring long stints in solitary confinement, and, according to his supporters, beatings and torture at the hands of his jailers and fellow inmates. For months, he has been suffering from serious injuries, including internal bleeding from beatings with no proper medical attention, according to his family and attorneys."(Sources: Fox News, Assemblies of God website) Please PRAY:1) For the imprisoned Pastor Abedini, and for those Iranians who tend to his needs in prison to treat him more humanely. 2) For his family in Boise, Idaho. and their efforts to involve the U.S. State Department in securing Pastor Abedini’s release. And 3) For the impact of his witness upon believers and non-believers, in America and across the world. And if you have not yet, join the over 600,000 worldwide who have signed the petition asking for his release at
[June 17 NOTE: With the national elections now over, PRAY that God would move the national govenment to finally release Pastor Seed (along with other unjustly held prisoners) as they tend to do as post-elections signs of good fatih.- Stan]
"Prayer Alert: Pastor Irani Imprisoned with Saeed,"; Friday, June 14, 2013 According to Truth Ministries, Pastor Saeed Abedini is not alone in Iran's infamous Evin Prison. Officials say Benham Irani has been in jail longer than Pastor Saeed and is also in need of urgent prayer. Irani was convicted for committing crimes against Iran's national security after holding house church services and leading many Iranian Muslims to Christ. He was arrested and tried twice: first in December 2006 and again April 2010. Now Truth Ministries reports that "in the past year he has been beaten by prisoners under the watchful eye of prison authorities. As a result he is beginning to lose his eyesight, has what seems to be untreated Inflammatory Bowel Disease, is barely able to speak and has trouble walking." He's also suffering from internal bleeding and a painful skin condition. PRAY for Pastor Irani to be healed AND to be released very soon To find out how you can help Pastor Abedini, please sign the petition at :
"Time to Talk - The Government, the Pill, and Our Daughters," By: John Stonestreet : June 19, 2013
But make no mistake: We shouldn’t be surprised that the government wants to allow our daughters to access chemically-induced abortions. And it’s not just because pro-abortion forces are entrenched in government and in left-of-center politics. Something else is going on, something Chuck Colson and others have warned us about for years.
The only thing that stands between the individual and a power-hungry government are what is known as “intermediate institutions.” Churches, civic associations, clubs, business groups, and
But when those institutions—especially the family--abandon their responsibility, the government is only too happy to step in. Too many parents have ceded their responsibility to disciple, educate, feed, train and care for their children to others, especially the government. The government has been talking to our kids about sex for years. So it’s not that difficult to see why they would think they have the prerogative to “fix” the consequences of that behavior also.
I’m not saying government is bad: it’s not, it’s biblically ordained for a specific purpose. And Chuck described that purpose a few years ago: “I’ve said it until I’m blue in the face,” he said, “and I’ll say it until I’m purple: The biblical view of the role of government is to preserve order, restrain evil, and promote justice. Government has no legitimate interest in running car companies, the healthcare industry, or taking over student loans.” And I’ll add, it has no business giving our children access—over parental objection—to drugs that can harm them.
But whatever government does or doesn’t do, it is our responsibility to raise our children in the knowledge and love of God. And we must not allow anyone to take over that territory God has entrusted to us. Our children must hear from us God’s plan for their life, including His plan for their sexuality. And they must know why it’s so different than the government’s plan for their life.
Now, some of you may think that I’m being naive. In fact, not long ago, we received a letter from a BreakPoint listener, a Christian, who objected to our objections to public schools allowing Planned Parenthood to teach students about so-called “safe sex.” Kids are going to engage in sex no matter what, the listener wrote, so they’d better understand how to protect themselves, and we’re foolish to think otherwise.
My heart sank when I read that letter. How dare we allow the government to redefine the worth, and value of our children according to such low expectations? The Holy Spirit’s hands are not tied; our children can live holy lives, despite the culture—and despite their hormones. It takes a lot of love and a lot of support and a lot of faith in Jesus. And yes, they may fall into sin. But I will not allow them to be defined according to those failures either. We must build trust with them now so they’ll know we, not a pharmacist and not the government, are their number-one source for help when they are in trouble. They must know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we love them, even when they make mistakes.
Thanks for listening. And if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to have a chat with my daughters.
[bold, italics, and underline emphasis mine]
And we can still make our voices heard on Capitol Hill. Use the link below to send an electronic letter to your congressmen. Ask them to introduce a bill to keep the morning-after pill as a prescription drug that only women over 18 can purchase.
John Stonestreet |
Form to help you mail your congressman and senators. (Using Justice Fellowship's service).
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