Sunday, September 16, 2012

#323(9/16) Sunday Special> So, What Is A GENday?

[FYI - My GENday is THIS Wednesday, Sept. 19th. When is YOURS?]

[FYI - As usual on Sundays, please try to catch this week's broadcast of "Truth That Transforms." (In Central Florida, 9-9:30 am, 10-10:30 am, 5-5:30 pm, Mondays 7 pm); check your TV listings) or watch it at This week's program presents the first part of a special video entitled, "Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger." You want to be sure to catch this incredible presentation of what the Bible says about socialism and the real threat it is to us. - Stan]

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P.S. – I also strongly encourage you – before Election Day – to either see the movie “2016” or get a copy of the book “Obama’s America” from your library. You only THINK you know our President.
Dear readers,

If you've read ANY of my blog postings for the past 3 months, I'm sure you've noticed a tag line at the top of every post that said,"[FYI - My GENday is Sept. 19th. When is YOURS?]". For some reason, only two people have taken the intiative to ask me what a GENday is. And it can't be because you've heard it before, because I just came up with the term around my birthday this past June 19th. So what do I mean by a GENday?

GENday is just an idea I pray might one day catch on with people but I just don’t know how to effectively “market” it. To put it simply, you probably know that I am MOST passionate about the American Holocaust against the unborn yhrough abortion. I've spoken out in various forums since 1989, the year I risked getting arrested for blocking the entrance to 7 different abortion clinics and spent 3 days in jail for one of those actions. (I described that in 2 previous blogs.) I've also helped raise funds about a dozen times for local pregnancy resource centers.

Well, years ago, I read an article that made aware that we actually celebrate the birth of Jesus – Christmas – but that in reality that’s NOT when God actually entered our world physically as a human being. Think about it. Jesus actually CAME into our world the day he was CONCEIVED in Mary’s womb. And so, in truth, we should be celebrating the day He was conceived, NOT the day He was born, because on that day He had already been in our world for around 9 months! In the same way, I believe all of us who believe that life begins at conception – as the Bible, and now sonograms, make clear – need to recognize not our BIRTHdays but the day we were conceived. And, in order to make the point to the world that THAT is when life begins - when life has become too precious too be considered for aborting – Christians at least need to begin celebrating the day they were conceived, instead of their BIRTHday.

But then, how does anyone know FOR SURE the DAY when they were conceived, you ask? Well, I say we just presume it was 9 months previous to their BIRTHday (make sense, right?)OR the same as 3 months to the day AFTER they would otherwise celebrate their birthday. And so, since my BIRTHday is June 19th and my DAY OF CONCEPTION would have been around Sept. 19th the previous year.

And so why call it a person’s "GENday"? Well, I’ve been trying to figure out what to call that anniversary of our day of conception and finally this past June decided that since Genesis in the Bible is refered to as the “book of beginnings," GENdayn(a shortened form of "Genesis Day")would be a good term for the day each of our lives actual began! Make sense?

I know, you might that this is a bit weird. But then, what better way for all Christians, all who say they stand for the sanctity of all unborn life, to help the world to understand this Biblical –as well as scientific – TRUTH
As of this year, I will ONLY celebrate my GENday - this Wednesday, the 19th and no longer celebrate my birthday. While I will of course always be thankful to my Mom for giving birth to me, I want to help others to note that life beigins at conception, and needs to regarded as sacred and protected beginning that day.

Will the idea of celebrating our GENday ever catch on with all who profess to be pro-liife? Well, I’d like to believe it might, at least I do pray it might. As one who considers himself/herself pro-life, will YOU consider celebrating your GENday and not your birthday from now on? I truly believe it can powerfully make a statement about the sanctity of unborn life among those we know and in the marketplace of ideas in this country. - Stan

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