Friday, September 28, 2012

#334 (9/27) - 40 Days Until the Election; "5 Ways Obama Disappointed at the United Nations"

 [FYI - 1) BE sure YOU are REGISTERED to VOTE; 2) Ttry to either read the book (you can get it from your library)"Obama's America" or see the movie "2016" ( promise you, you will not understand our President's worldview until you do; and 3) You might also try to get a copy of the book, "Divider-In-Chief"; go to the follow site to read a lengthy preview of it: - Stan]

As I See It:   TODAY begins 40 days until the election, including Election Day itself. I hope you will join me in spending time daily in the upcoming days praying and in some way fasting for this most significant day for our nation. (I hope that you got to see my post #329 and  will consider using the prayer guide I composed and provide there.) Let me be clear. I am not saying that our country's future depends on the outcome of this election. Of course, as Christians, we must place our trust and hope ultimately in our Sovereign God to do what He deems is best. But God has instituted government (as He once did kings over Israel) and as citizens have a responsiblity to pray for and elect who will govern righteously, for our sakes and that of generations to come. "In 1798, President John Adams proclaimed a day of prayer and fasting at a time when the nation was facing a potentially devastating war with France. President Adams wrote that the “just judgments of God” are a “loud call to repentance and reformation.” He wrote that the “safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God.” And he wrote that prayer was our duty, and that prayer “is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety, without which social happiness cannot exist, nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed...” And that is why President Adams called for a special day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer.'' (from, John Stonestret, 9/27/12) [I also invite you to go to: where you can sign up for daily email prayer alerts/items as well.]
- by Amy Payne on September 26, 2012

President Obama spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in New York yesterday – and what a disappointing speech it was.
He actually scrapped his original speech outline [1] to focus on the controversial YouTube video that many have suggested sparked recent anti-American attacks in the Middle East, including one in Libya that killed a U.S. Ambassador and other Americans. Making this video the focus of his speech was inappropriate. He should have used the international platform to make an unapologetic case for freedom. The President failed the American people—and America’s allies—in five major ways.

1. He failed to give a robust defense of free speech.
In tripping over the YouTube video that was offensive to Muslims, the President seemed to validate other countries’ disregard for freedom of speech:
"I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech. We recognize that. [2] But in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. The question, then, is how we respond."
He also admonished people for offending others, saying, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied.”
The President probably thought he was being clever, turning the argument around on those calling for restrictions on free speech. But it would not be surprising if there were a number of nodding heads in the audience agreeing that all such “incitement” should be banned. That comment could, and probably will, be interpreted as a backhand endorsement of efforts to restrict free speech like the “defamation of religions” resolutions offered by the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the U.N. and the Human Rights Council.

Heritage expert Brett Schaefer responded [3] that: "President Obama spent less time defending free speech than he did outlining a vague vision for a world with tolerance and diversity as its key ideals. Perhaps this lopsided emphasis sought to reinforce the administration’s dubious claim that only hateful speech is to blame for the attacks on our embassies, but the overall effect was to lend credibility to the notion that governments should be policing speech.

Instead of free speech, the Obama Administration has had a policy of apologetic speech. The Administration supported a U.N. “anti-blasphemy [4]” resolution last year that threatens freedom of speech by condemning any expression that could be deemed “defamation of religion.” The President’s words yesterday continued this weak, apologetic stance.

2. He tiptoed around Iran.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak to the U.N. today, but he’s already made his positions quite clear. This week, Iran has escalated threats [5] against Israel and the United States, and Ahmadinejad has said that Israel should be “eliminated” and that a “new order” should emerge, without the U.S. as a superpower.
In response, the President made a milquetoast statement [6],” said Heritage’s Nile Gardiner, projecting “a dangerous leading-from-behind mentality at a time when the free world needs bold U.S. leadership.” The President continues to pay lip service to diplomacy with Iran, when the time has clearly passed [7] for this approach.

3. He failed to give Israel strong backing.
Heritage’s Gardiner lamented that “Yet again, Obama drew moral equivalence between the Israelis and the Palestinians [6], a theme he has frequently expounded upon since taking office.” Palestine continues to edge its way into U.N. organizations, pursuing statehood without negotiating with Israel. The President should have taken a hard line against this. Instead, he made U.S. support for Israel—America’s steadfast ally in the Middle East—a mere footnote in his speech.

4. He did not promote economic freedom.
Heritage experts said [8] ahead of the speech that President Obama should call for “a new era of economic liberalization to expand economic freedom around the globe and ensure that the opportunities of a globalized and interdependent world economy are available to all citizens.” This is the key to raising people out of poverty and giving them alternatives to joining radicalized groups. However, the Obama Administration has failed to increase economic freedom at home or to promote it vigorously abroad.

5. He failed to project American strength.
The United Nations General Assembly is an odd place where oppressive dictators are given the same platform as free nations. It is a unique opportunity to remind the world why people risk their lives to come to America, and to recommit to protecting the freedoms that make that risk worthwhile. As Heritage’s Kim Holmes has said [9]:"We should never allow the U.N. or anyone to abuse the mantra of human rights to undermine our sovereign constitutional system which not only protects our God-given rights and the liberty to govern ourselves but also offers the best model for others to do the same.No American should speak apologetically about America. Especially not the President.

[bold and italics emphasis mine]

Quick Hits:
    >  President Obama is not meeting with any other world leaders [11] during his time at the U.N., though he found time to put in appearances on David Letterman’s show and “The View.”
   >  The president of Libya says that the YouTube movie trailer for Innocence of Muslims  had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks [13] on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Article printed from The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation:
URL to article:

URLs in this post:
[1] speech outline:
[2] We recognize that.:
[3] responded:
[4] anti-blasphemy:
[5] escalated threats:
[6] milquetoast statement:
[7] time has clearly passed:
[8] said:
[9] said:
[11] not meeting with any other world leaders:
[[13] had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks:

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