Sunday, September 23, 2012

#329 (9/23) - Sunday Special > A Special Election Prayer Post

 PRAYER REQUEST: Surge Troops Leave Afghanistan (September 21)
Very quietly, the surge of troops into Afghanistan that President Obama announced to such fanfare in late 2009 is now over. ...The withdrawal, which leaves 68,000 American forces in the war zone, comes as the security transition to Afghan forces is in trouble, threatened by a spike in so-called insider attacks in which Afghan Army and police troops, or insurgents dressed in their uniforms, have been attacking and killing U.S. and NATO forces. (Sources: USA Today, Fox News, Associated Press)

As the Lord leads, please pray:
  • For the American and NATO troops remaining in Afghanistan - their safety and morale.
  • For the returning soldiers and others and their families, as they are reunited.
  • For comfort and recovery for our "wounded warriors," including those with non-visible wounds such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

  FYI - 1) As usual on Sunday, please be sure to watch "Truth That Transforms" (In Orlando, at 9 and 10 a.m, 5 pm; Monday at 7) or go to  Today's  message is part 2 of the video "Socialism:  A Clear and Present Danger." Great stuff!; 2) Before Election Day: a) be sure you are registered to vote; b) try to read "Obama's America" or see the movie "2016" (that is based on the book). You only THINK you know the President; c) copy and post the list of prayer requests below and lift them up EACH DAY until the election.- Stan

P.S. - Do you remember my explanation of "GENday" in the last Sunday Special? I spoke about how we needed to help emphasize to people that life begins at conception, NOT at birth. Well, here is a petition you can sign in favor of the Life At Conception Act before Congress. Check the following to learn more:

Heavenly Father,
Without question, you have mightily blessed the United States, beginning with leading Columbus to its  shores 520 years ago. You caused it to have Biblical foundations of government that have been models for other nations and allowed it to enjoy great leaders and unprecedented times of prosperity and protection from its enemies. While it has not lacked for failures, America has nevertheless been a source for good for its people and those of many other nations throughout its history.  
   We confess that especially for many decades now, America has forgotten you. Declaring the unborn non-persons and legalizing the slaughter of over 50 million of our most innocent the past 40 years alone is enough to be deserving of your severest judgment. Despite the attacks from our enemies at home and abroad, despite the desperate state of our economy the past few years, by your mercy and grace, America remains strong. Despite its failures to honor you, we still believe you want America to remain strong and prosperous and be a beacon of freedom and blessing to the rest of the world.
   We acknowledge that the national elections on November 6th may be the most pivotal we have in our history. What kind of America we have for generations to come may depend on the leaders people vote for this year. Please help Americans who vote to be fully informed on the issues facing us and to only vote for leaders who will be wise and courageous to put in place just the policies we need. We pray that they will be men and women who will serve not out of personal ambition nor promote destructive agendas but will serve only with the intention of doing what is right and which honors you.
      Father, you have truly been most merciful and gracious to the United States. Thank you again for so greatly blessing America. By their votes, may Americans this November bless you! In the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen. 

Election PRAYER Requests: This Friday, Sept. 28, marks 40 days until Election Day. In the 40 years I will  have voted in elections, THIS may very well be the most important, not just in terms of the Presidency but also the control of Congress. I hope that you will copy the following requests and consider praying (and as the Lord leads you, fasting as wel) for them EVERY DAY, at least  beginning  this Friday:
1) That God would bring revival to America – in terms of the admonition in 2 Chron. 7:14 -  and open the hearts of millions to the gospel. No solution offered by any candidate will bring TRUE and ETERNAL change and healing to our country.

2) That every American eligible to vote will do so, having been discerning of all the political ads and media spin on the candidates and primarily taking the time to educate themselves about where the candidates stand on the most relevant issues facing our country.

3) That in particular, every eligible CHRISTIAN voter will vote, being sure to vote for that candidate who is most committed to pursue policies that are based on Biblical values. [This involves not just defending the sanctity of life and traditional marriage but also such things as eliminating our out-of-control national debt without resorting to breaking the 8th (unreasonable taxes being stealing) and 10th (targeting those with wealth, or class warfare, being equal to coveting) commandments).]

4) That each candidate worthy of the support of the American voter will have the funds, organization, and volunteers to run a successful campaign. Also, may these candidates clearly express their positions in their speeches and debate performances.

5) That the 3 Presidential and one Vice Presidential debates (and other debates among US House and Senate candidates)  throughout October CLEARLY reveal the differences in how each candidate would lead us on different issues; that the moderator in each debate to be unbiased and free of any personal agenda in the questions they ask each candidate. Also, may the vast majority of those still undecided NOT vote early without at least hearing the candidates debate.  

6) That the final results in every race accurately reflect not just the will of the American people, but God’s will.

7) That during each winning candidate's time of service, Americans will watch their actions carefully to hold them accountable, especially in regards to how they promised to represent us.
Congressional Races: We need to remember to pray for the elections also taking place for members of Congress. The  make-up of that branch of government will also be critical in whether our nation  pursues the policies it needs to affirm traditional values, restore our prosperity, and ensure our national security. There are many such candidates; the following are some of those candidates. Pray that they and all  others like them will be successful (add others you know of to your list):

House of Representatives - Mia Love (UT), Michelle Bachman (MN), Allen West (FL)
Senate - Ted Cruz (TX), Josh Mandel (OH), Richard Murdock (IN), Jeff Flake (AZ), Deb Fischer (NE), George Allen (VA), Tom Smith (PA), Don Bargino (MD), Connie Mack (FL).

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