URGENT PRAYERS/PETITIONS: Same -Sex "Marriage"- PLEASE PRAY WITH ME (every day untill the decision is revealed around mid-June) THAT THE SUPREME COURT WILL VOTE TO UPHOLD THE 2 LAWS REVIEWED SUPPORTING A TRADITIONAL DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.. PRAY that the Court will resist any pressure to MAKE new law based on "cultural trends." PRAY as though the very future of the institution of the family is at stake because it is. PRAY! - for the sake of possibly millions of children, and for our country if it is to continue to be shown any more favor by our Heavenly Father, who I promise you will be very displeased if homosexual marriage is legalized; "GOD IS NOT [TO BE] MOCKED..." - (Gal. 6:7) - Stan [Be sure to check out my brief essay at post #478.]
URGENT PRAYERS/PETITIONS: Same -Sex "Marriage"- PLEASE PRAY WITH ME (every day untill the decision is revealed around mid-June) THAT THE SUPREME COURT WILL VOTE TO UPHOLD THE 2 LAWS REVIEWED SUPPORTING A TRADITIONAL DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE.. PRAY that the Court will resist any pressure to MAKE new law based on "cultural trends." PRAY as though the very future of the institution of the family is at stake because it is. PRAY! - for the sake of possibly millions of children, and for our country if it is to continue to be shown any more favor by our Heavenly Father, who I promise you will be very displeased if homosexual marriage is legalized; "GOD IS NOT [TO BE] MOCKED..." - (Gal. 6:7) - Stan [Be sure to check out my brief essay at post #478.]
CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR PASTOR SAEED (Iranian-born AMERICAN pastor) who months ago started an 8 year sentence for helping the underground churches in Iran) If you have not already, please join over 500,000! who have signed the petition for Pastor Saeed's release and tell your friends about it. http://aclj.org/iran/save-american-pastor-from-iranian-prison-sentence As the Lord leads, please pray: *For Pastor Abedini as he endures one of Iran’s most deadly prisons, potentially beaten and abused regularly, simply because of his Christian faith. *For the pastor’s wife and family and the Holy Spirit’s comfort upon them. * For God to visit his tormenters and all in his cell with him with supernatural dreams of the risen Christ, and use the pastor's actions and words to draw them to repent and turn to Christ; that God would use the pastor's time in that prison to spark a genuine spiritual revival that will bring scores of Iranians to Christ..*For the growing world pressure to finally obtain the pastor’s release. LATEST Update - April 15 - 1)".. During the weekly prison visit today, Pastor Saeed's family reported that his physical condition is worsening - seeing first-hand the marks and symptoms left by the recent beating. These beatings and the internal injuries are causing Pastor Saeed frequent fainting spells. Iranian officials are telling Pastor Saeed it could be an additional two months before he will receive medical treatment. Such a delay is inhumane and a gross violation of Iran’s international obligations. ...In addition to refusing to give Pastor Saeed the medical care he needs, it now appears authorities are stepping up their physical abuse and psychological torture. Pastor Saeed reported that cellmates, who appear to have connections to the Iranian intelligence police, recently threatened they would suffocate Pastor Saeed in his sleep, making his death look like an accident. The daily threat that his life could be taken by his internal injuries or by the hands of cellmates, weighs heavily on Pastor Saeed. (http://aclj.org/iran/beatings-intensify-american-pastor-saeed-condition-worsens-in-iranian-prison PRAY that Pastor Saeed might finally receive the medical treatment he needs. PRAY that God would reveal himself to the pastor's tormenters and turn them to Christ. PRAY that his family, esp. his children, will experience His strength and special presence during this time. And finally, PRAY that , when God has accomplished His will in Pastor Abedini's suffering, he will finally be released 2) More than 550,000 people from 180 countries have signed the petition to Save Saeed. Your voice has moved the U.S., the European Union, and many others to call for his release. Go to Save Saeed.org and add your name to those sending letters to him.
REMINDER: Be sure to check out this week's "Truth That Transforms" broadcast - (Cen. FL - Mon. 7 pm. ch. 52.2; www.truthinaction.org, This week’s episode is entitled “The Power of a Mom.” It also has a special feature on single Moms and several national leaders who were raised by such incredible women. Don’t miss another great broadcast!
"...It’s a Good Time to Thank Your Mother," Leslie Grimard, May 12, 2013; http://blog.heritage.org/2013/05/12/family-fact-of-the-week-its-a-good-time-to-thank-your-mother/
Today is Mother’s Day. Throughout the nation, many will have the opportunity to remember their mothers’ love and care throughout their lives. It is also a good time for all to bear in mind how crucial mothers are to their families.
Parents are a child’s first educators, and research confirms that moms have a major influence on their children’s educational success. As Heritage’s FamilyFacts.org shows, when parents are highly engaged and willing to help them with homework, children generally score higher on academic achievement, and children whose parents are more involved with their education when in elementary school have a greater likelihood of graduating from high school.
The reach of mothers extends beyond academics. Youth whose mothers discuss the social and moral consequences of sexual activity are more likely to choose abstinence. Teens whose parents monitor them are also more likely to remain abstinent.
Mothers also play an important role in helping their children avoid substance abuse. Children who report that their moms spend time conveying values and standards are less likely to use alcohol. But influence isn’t limited to what mothers talk about with their children. Moms who have dinner with their kids five to seven times a week have a greater impact on discouraging alcohol and drug use among their children.
The range of a mother’s influence also extends to her family’s emotional health and wellness. Teens whose parents (usually mothers) are present at crucial times during the day—when they wake up, come home from school, and go to bed—are less likely to experience emotional distress.
Say an extra thank-you to mothers ... because they matter in helping children become happy, healthy adults.
[italics emphasis mine]
"Happy Mother’s Day, from All American Women," Julia Shaw, May 12, 2013 http://blog.heritage.org/2013/05/12/happy-mothers-day-from-all-american-women/
Harriet Beecher Stowe was the “the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war,” Abraham Lincoln remarked. Beecher Stowe’s seminal Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) changed how Americans viewed the institution of slavery. And let’s not forget the other women abolitionists of the 1800s. Spinster sisters Sarah and Angelina Grimke dedicated their lives to abolishing slavery.
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton hosted the first convention of women’s rights in Seneca Falls, New York, in1848. The convention and its key document, the Declaration of Sentiments, sought to remind the world that the principles of the Declaration of Independence included women. Instead of listing grievances against a king, these women opposed artificial impediments to their success. Their goal was not to ask government for a host of handouts but to encourage women to meet for more conventions and to assert their right to be self-governing.
Of course, there are also unnamed women who changed America. The New Jersey ladies who, in 1797, were the first women in history to vote. In Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville marvels at the assertive independence of American women. In contrast to cloistered European women, Tocqueville argues that “before she has left childhood,” an American girl “already thinks for herself, speaks freely, and acts alone.”
Women’s history didn’t start 50 years ago. America is founded on the revolutionary principle that all men and women are created equal. Women’s accomplishments throughout American history have been because of our founding principles, not despite them. These principles give women the opportunity to choose any role in life and pursue it with happiness.
In fact, this weekend we will buy flowers, cards, and chocolate to celebrate the one vocation that women have been pursuing for millennia: motherhood. Happy Mother’s Day!
[bold and italics emphasis mine]
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